Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Prism blanket is finally done and it's a biggy!!!


This is all that is left of the big skein of the multi-colored yarn and there is no black yarn left at all.You could use a different main color instead of black.  I'd like to try yellow as a background color.

I bought the huge round of the multi-colored but if you wanted a smaller blanket then just get the smaller one.  If anyone wants the details or where to get the pattern just email me.  I've been working on it so long I don't remember! LOL!

I was having a hard time storing the blanket projects I work on so I bought this laundry bag which was only about $12 and it fit all my yarn and the Prism blanket and still wasn't halfway filled.  Plus Miss Peeps can't get into it.  I keep it in my closet and pull it out when I want to work on it.  Right now I have the yarn for my next project in it.

That's all for today! 

Happy Trails!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Strange and lovely birds are visiting!!!

 I had, of all things, a road runner in my back yard!  Thank goodness for my neighbor who called and told me about it.  She was asking me what it was and I recognized it as a road runner but I had no idea they were in Arkansas.  I've lived here 20 years and have never seen one.  On the web they said they are a southwest bird and as far east as Oklahoma but they didn't mention Arkansas.  They run fast too just like in the cartoons!  I had a hard time getting a picture.  Today I called Fish and Game and they connected me with their Biologist and bird specialist and she cleared it all up.  She said they have been in Arkansas for 20  years....they must have moved here when I did! LOL!  She said the web doesn't always keep up with the latest info.  They don't fly much which is why I wondered how they got here.  She said the warming temps up North from climate change have encouraged the birds to come  up here.  Also, she said they can only share so many resources and then go looking for more somewhere else.  She said they feast on snakes, frogs and lizards.  She said it's good to have them around your house.  I have not seen him again though.  They do not migrate either.  

 There was another bird that I never saw before and I'm hoping my good friend Connie, the bird whisperer, can help identify it.........we do get a lot of birds passing through on their way North....this one was a pretty coral color with a long curved beak.....

That's all for today...

Happy Trails!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy May!!!

I'm all set for the month of May.   This is my cross stitch and crafting journal where I document what I am working on and future projects.  I use stickers to dress it up.  

Last weekend I didn't blog at all.  I was exhausted and just laid around all weekend.  I did some reading but no crafting at all.  I don't usually get sick but every once in awhile I "crash".

I've been meaning to share some products with you that I really like and thought you might also...first....

Method products........I especially like their foaming hand soap (in the front), left in back is their pink grapefruit surface cleaner and then next to that in the blue/green is their foaming tub and tile cleaner and last but not least I adore their Peace body wash....yum!  I used to use Philosophy and I loved their clean fresh scent but they started diluting it and you could barely smell it and it's not just me...others were complaining in reviews so now I  have a new love....Peace body wash.  I know some of you don't care for scented anything but I am all about good smells where ever I can find them! 

Another product that I have not actually used yet but have in my possession are self-adhesive curtain brackets....genius!!!  They do  include screws if  you have heavy drapes or something and you can always use more to support whatever you are trying to hang.  I will definitely let you know how they work when I use them.  They're going to be perfect for hanging my quilts too!

 Last but not least is a product I have always steered clear of....instant mashed potatoes, but I saw these and thought I would give them a try.  I love mashed potatoes but it's just me, myself, and I, so I tried them and dang if they aren't tasty!  They have all different kinds too.  I highly recommend.  You just add boiling water and stir and they're ready in 5 minutes!  They have larger family packets too.  Delish!

BTW all these products are available on Amazon and/or Walmart.

Sorry about the photo's getting ready to storm and it's very dark out.  I love a good storm!

Happy Trails!!!



Monday, April 15, 2024

Monday April 15, 2024

 Another crazy week!  My daughter got sick and was in the hospital briefly.  She was dizzy, weak muscles, couldn't stand by herself without help, nauseated and headaches.  After tests they decided it was the crystals in her ears that somehow got disturbed and out of place.  She's been home for a week.  They gave her anti-dizziness meds and nausea meds.  She couldn't look up or down and has had physical therapy for it every other day.  I've had vertigo before but nothing  like this....the  poor girl.  It was sort of funny in a way because she was not allowed to do laundry or cooking or anything where she had to look down or up and she had to do certain exercises.   Tracy and the boys had to pick up the slack although the boys are big helpers but they have homework and activities.  She couldn't be left alone either in case she fell.    Today they said she could go back to work but they are still wanting to see her every other day as one of her eyes is still not back to normal.  If it doesn't get better they are thinking she might have neuritis of the brain?  OMG!   If we knew all the  things that could go wrong in our bodies we'd refuse to come out of the womb! I'm just glad she is alright, feeling better, and on the mend, hopefully!

I also had a doctor appointment this past week, someone came to put some kind of attachment on my propane tank and I was finally able to take the plants outside after all winter, and I got my taxes done (I do them myself).

Don't ask me where the week went but over the weekend I did get some crafting done...........I final finished the little bunny but I  think I would like to get some jumbo rickrack to put around the outside edge...

I also appliqued and sewed the rabbit pillow.........

I cut out the material for the carrots and leaves so they are ready to sew  together.........

I worked on the Robin and it is a lot more stitching than I thought and I'm not done yet

I am so far behind on my Anniversaries of the Heart...actually, I made so many mistakes this week I had to frog many portions of each of my XS projects...not sure what was wrong...maybe I was thinking of Amy instead of focusing on my XS.

I worked on the puzzle and slowly but surely it is coming along....

I also found a quilt kit to start after the carrots are's a small quilt Kit from Kim Diehl...

I'm also gathering materials to make composition book covers plus I broke down and ordered a new self-healing mat for rotary cutting fabrics.  Mine is really old and not working so good anymore.  I got a bigger one too.....36 X 48.  This week I am hoping to get a hold of someone to detail my car.  Luther's coming tonight to mow, and tomorrow it's supposed to storm. I continue cleaning and clearing but it 's slow going.  This week I hope to hang some more pictures and/or plates. 

I hope you are all well and staying busy and happy!

Happy Trails!!!

Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse Day here in Arkansas!!!

 Yes, the towns around here are buzzing with tourists and festivals and celebrations of all kinds.  Me...I'm just staying home.  I got groceries Friday and that was busy like crazy at the pickup.  Usually I pickup at 10:00 a.m. but I couldn't get a slot until noon!  The gal loading my car said that everyone a round is raising their prices because of all the tourists.  We are in the direct path and so we will have 100% of the eclipse.  I'm ready...I have my glasses............

I finally got my project bag made but what a time I had!  Long story but it all worked out finally and I'm sure the next one will be much easier......this is the is a Christmas project bag to hold my Christmas XS

the back....

and the lining...

I have a little XS finish......a free pattern from a French sweet..........

 this little bunny was sweet too...chomping on my yard full of clover........

now, back to my Robin.............

I had gotten quite a bit done on my Anniversaries of the Heart Bonus chart but I had to tear it all out because I was off 2 stitches which would have made a big problem later on....I started over and so far so good.........

 The puzzle is coming along slowly but surely.........

Last week I made banana bread which was great for I'm making Red Velvet Cupcakes..........probably not so great for breakfast but mighty good regardless of when you eat them!

That's all for now.  I hope you are all well and enjoying whatever season you are in!

Happy Trails!!!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Some crafty goodness!!!

 Only 2 finishes this week but lots of hand sewing that took lots of time but was very relaxing.  I craft on the weekends mostly especially if there is sewing.  I was going to make project bags but darn if I couldn't find my zippers!  I had to order more from Amazon.  This is what happens when I clean and organize....I can't find anything!

I did finish the heart applique which took most of the weekend and I did a terrible job.  I am not very good at hand sewing.  Plus, when I hemmed the backing fabric I forgot to change the thread and used white thread on a dark fabric!  Duh!  But it's done....not very well but it's a finish..........this was a pattern that came on a cd that I got with a Blackbird Design quilt kit.  I haven't made the quilt yet....

the 2nd finish is a small XS called Spring is Sprung by Asberry's Echoes Stitches on Etsy........I still need to coffee/tea stain and final finish into a pillow.........
Now, I've started on a Robin by the same designer.......this is my morning stitch....

I finally got my floss and started the Bonus block on my Anniversaries of the Heart by Blackbird's the block on the far right and you can tell I haven't gotten too far yet........

Here is a pattern for 2 Easter projects free on the Shabby Fabrics website and there is also a video you can watch.............Sew Tattered podcaster, made them and said they were fast and fun..........

So, I gathered up some materials for next weekend maybe...............greens and oranges...........

My puzzle is on the kitchen table so I work on it while waiting for water to boil or the oven to pre-heat etc.  I haven't even gotten the border done yet........

As for the past week of cleaning and clearing, it went really well.  I got 4 boxes of "stuff" into the back of the Tahoe and the far side of the living room is looking good!  I will be getting rid of some of this furniture when I am done with cleaning and clearing everything this stereo of my parents.....

This is my antique cupboard/bookcase....I'll be keeping it......... 

This is a black stenciled tea/bar cart underneath the tablecloth with wheels on one end....undecided about this one....again, it was my parents............
There is a wallpaper mural that goes around that corner of the room....they decorated in Italian Provincial.

So, it was a productive week and I am hoping the same for this week.  I need to get more mulch and stone and my lawn guy was here yesterday and mowed and he said to just call him and he would come and unload it for me.  He and his wife are the best!  I am so lucky to have found them.  It is supposed to rain all day today so I will bake some banana bread.  I love to bake on rainy cozy.  I'll light some candles, do laundry, work more on the living room and start on my taxes. This coming week I also need to fill out my address book go through paperwork and organize and get rid of some greeting cards and stationary.  It's "looking good in the neighborhood"!

 Happy Trails!!!