Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January Goals met...pretty much!

 I had 3 priorities for January....1) finish ornaments 2) start and complete anniversaries of the Heart #1, and 3) clean and clear dining room.

The ornaments are done...........I sent 2 of the  4 on their way this morning....along with some books and some homemade caramels which I think they will enjoy...........

2)  I did start and complete the first block of Anniversaries of the Heart for January.  I was able to put all the family birthdays that fall in January in it.  I put in my initial but didn't leave enough room for my middle initial, then there is my Mother's, IEG, my son's BL, and my Aunt was the first time I cross stitched one over one which is tedious but doable.  AOTH February is up next and I forgot to order the floss so I ordered that this, I'm already behind! LOL!

 3)  the dining room is done except for shampooing the carpeting.  I didn't get to that but as I start on the living room next I hope to continue to do that in both rooms.  The table before was covered with sewing stuff and so were the every surface!  It was a mess!  I have also packed up several boxes from this room to go to the thrift store........all the furniture you see belonged to my parents except the smaller pieces and the Chinese desk in the's all getting sold except the desk which Amy wants....I am definitely scaling down! 

Today is the 31st so I'm working on my Halloween XS piece.........

In the next post I'll let you know what my February goals are.

Here's a little inspiration.............

Happy Trails!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

My YOP....Year of Priorities

 I have been very busy trying hard to meet the 3 priorities I set for myself for January.  They were clean and clear out the dining room.....I have it pretty much done but need to shampoo the carpeting.

Finish the 2023 Collectible Christmas ornaments for the we speak the backing has just been glued and will sit under a pile of books overnight.  I should be able to meet this goal by February 1st.  I am late but this project was a lot  more involved than I had anticipated.  The 3rd priority was the first block for January in the Anniversaries of the Heart cross stitch design by Blackbird Designs.  I am close but not sure I am going to make it but I am trying!  There are actually 14 that need to be done this year so I am hoping I can get ahead at some point.  I would like it to be done this year.  For January there are 3 initials and birth dates that will be birthday, my mother's birthday, and one of my sons.   We are all Capricorns.  When it is done and framed there will be an envelope on the back containing more information and photos for each of the AOTH.

 So, saying that there are some other treasures and  projects that have come on the scene also. 

I joined Pine Needles "Bitty Bowl Club".  They are a fabric and cross stitch shop in Utah and starting in February they send you a kit with XS pieces to stitch and other decorative items and the bowl.  This one is for Valentine's Day.......when it is all done I will show you the "set up" in the came with 2 XS projects and this one is going to be a little bag......

I also came across a BlackBird Design little quilt sweet....for a future came in this cute little tin, with recipes, fabric and a cd............

The Prism blanket is growing!  I had to order 3  more skeins of the black yarn as I am determined to use all of the Mandala ball that you see in the basket.  I also ordered a cute canvas basket that will hold it all as it has definitely outgrown that one in the picture!

I did start one new project...I saw a beautiful prayer sampler on Crafty Cottage Stitches that Jeanette found in an antique store and it was gorgeous!  I found it on Ebay and bought it.  It is a stamped XS that came with all the floss.  I want to hang it in my kitchen when done.......

This is all I have done so far as I've been focusing on AOTH XS to get January's a fun's been eons since I've done stamped XS......

Farmgirl Drygoods showed an Amish sampler that I had to buy!  I spent a lot of time in the Amana Colonies in Iowa as I lived about 20 minutes away out in the country.....Farmgirl Drygoods...Michelle's husband grew up in the Amanas and now Michelle holds retreats there for cross stitch and wool applique.  Anyway, it's a sweet sampler and I always loved hanging out in the Amanas.........

That's all for now folks....I am so sorry not to have gotten around to visiting.  I will keep trying!

There are NFL playoff games this afternoon!  I am rooting for the Chiefs and the Lions! 

Happy Trails!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sock washing day!

 I ordered some special wool wash for my socks and other delicate items.  I wasn't sure it was worth the price but now that I have used it I will be using it from now on.  You only use 1 teaspoon for a gallon of water, there is no rinsing and it smells wonderful!  The socks came out like someone had blocked them...wonderful product!

One tip I might give you although you are probably much smarter that I am....wash each pair individually and wash light  to dark.  I had washed all mine together and one new pair was not colorfast and bled all over the other ones!  I won't be making that mistake again.

I also got a refill for Mary Ellen's Best Press..........another great product.  I don't use it for my regular ironing but I do use it for pressing my quilting seams when I am  piecing a makes a big difference in your seams lying nice and flat...........I buy the refill as it is less expensive in the long run.  I get both these products on Amazon.

My paper Whites are blooming..........but I do not like their smell at's heavy and sweet....not for me....but the flowers are very pretty.  I'll have to see if I can save the bulbs for next year and how to do that or if they are just a one time deal.............

The deer had a convention in my back yard last night...there were 6 of looked like 2 moms and 4 young ones from  this past Spring.........they were chomping down on acorns, of which I have lots in my yard...."Acorns are highly nutritious, filled with carbohydrates, and easy to digest. When fall comes, deer need to put on weight to keep them through winter and acorns are an excellent food for this purpose, as they are a high-energy food source. Research has shown that the more acorns deer eat, the fatter they are."

Walmart finally delivered the bird seed yesterday, thank goodness!  My other purchases from other places seem to be taking forever.  We still have snow and wind chill advisories and freezing temps but supposedly the major roads are clear.  Come Monday, I'll probably get everything at once.  I know one package has been in Little Rock since the 16th....oh well.  Just as long as everyone stays safe that is the main thing.  I'm glad I always stock up in the winter, but I was running out of bird seed..........

Happy Trails!!!


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Haven't been out of the house all week!

 It snowed...about 8 inches!  It was and still is beautiful but it is also very cold and the snow is not melting!  Usually, we get snow and by the next day it 's gone but not this time.   The deer were using their hooves to shovel the snow so they could get to the acorns in my yard.  The birds practically live at the bird feeder.   I had ordered bird feed but Walmart hasn't delivered nor has FedEx or any of the delivery companies.  We did get mail today so hopefully things will start moving again as there are more storms on the way.  Hopefully, it will be rain and not ice or snow.


My paper whites are just about ready to bloom......

I transplanted my new baby plants and they are growing like crazy and are so healthy!  I hope I can keep them that way.  


I'm still focusing on the dining room and the ornaments and a few other goals I set for myself for January.  Things are going well.

I remember those!

Happy Trails!!!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Yop but not on Ravelry

 I forgot to take a photo of the plants that arrived.  They are very healthy and were packed extremely well.   They also contribute part of their sales to their local animal shelters.  

The snow is here.  It started about noon and everything is covered.  So pretty!  It's only 5 degrees here which so strange for this area.   We won't get a lot of snow like up North but I'll take what I can get.

The birds are having a feeding frenzy at the feeder and sitting on my windowsill which keeps them out of the snow and there's 2 suets and plenty of food for all!  I'm not sure what that red breasted bird is.  I've had cardinals, downy woodpecker, regular BIG woodpecker, goldfinches, purple finches, chickadees, Cedar Waxwings but I've not seen this little red breasted bird before.  Does anyone know? 

I'm still working on the ornaments and I have finished #3 and have started #4........

I've made progress on my dining room which was really my sewing room and quite the mess!  I did work on my morning stitch...Baby Jesus........I only work on it for about 15 minutes in the morning but it is amazing what you can get done if you stick with it...

Anniversaries of the heart is coming along but not sure I will get this first block done by February.....but we'll see............


I also worked on my crocheted Prism blanket and I'm almost done with the leg of sock #1.

I have a fire going in the fireplace and Connie, I am making your "Browns" of my favorites!  I'll try and get around to everyone this week.  It was crazy last week with errands, storms, and bills to pay but it all got done before either of the storms arrived.  I hope you all have a great week and stay safe!

Happy Trails!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Is everyone getting ready for the storms?

 The weather here has been nice for the past 2 days and fairly warm...50's so, I made a grocery list and ordered yesterday.  I put thrift stuff in the car, dropped it off today on my way to pick up the groceries and then got the car filled with gas.  I checked my wood pile in the garage and I think I am fine.  We are to get rain and lots of it, high winds, then very cold and snow.....they did mention the possibility of hail and tornadoes....I think they just about covered everything!  LOL!  The grands are going to get a blizzard and very cold temps up in Iowa..they already had 2 days off this week because of snow.... they will love it!  We are all weather geeks and love a good storm as long as we don't lose power!

My hibiscus has been blooming almost constantly.  The blooms only last about 2 days but there are always more.  They are saucer size...........

I got a treasure in the mail yesterday....Halloween fabric from Urban Chiks.....they are one of my favorite designers and their fabric goes fast so I nabbed a charm pack and a mini-charm pack when I saw it.......

I am expecting some house plants from Amazon!  Did you know you can order house plants from them?  I got a variety of  6 and I'm sure they're small but since I can't garden I am going to focus on house plants and flowers.  I could garden but there's so little of it that I can eat I just gave it up.

I got all the groceries put away and picked up an antibiotic prescription my doctor ordered in case I feel sick or get sick and the doctor is closed, he wants me to take it right away.  So,  it's nice to have it on hand just in case.  He asked me when was the last time I was sick besides the diverticulitis....I told him I had a cold about 15 years ago...that was the last time I was sick.  Also, my blood work came back and it was great.  The only thing that was out of whack was my Alkaline Phosphate but that is from the RA.

I hope you all stay safe if you are getting any of this wild and woolly weather and extreme cold!

Happy Trails!!!


Monday, January 8, 2024

Busy Monday as usual!

 It's supposed to rain for the next 2 days and maybe some snow and high winds....I'm wondering if I should even put the garbage out.  Brian, my pest control guy, comes this morning at 9:30, but I need to go to the post office in Franklin too before he gets here.  I think I can make it as the Post Office opens at 8:00 a.m.  I loaded the car yesterday for taking  to the thrift store.  I drop it off on my way to pick up groceries whenever that is.  Lots to do around here!

My paper whites came out of the cold where they had to be for 10 days....they're starting to get green....

I've been working on Baby Jesus as my morning stitch but it is grueling and not a fun XS at all.....I'll be glad when it is done which will still be awhile...........

My focus this week besides regular chores, laundry, and my dining room where I do most of my sewing so it is a real mess!  And my Anniversaries of the Heart which I need to do 3 squares per day (a square being 10 x 10 stitches) but not all the squares are stitched.   I am way behind as I was working on my birthday stitch.  I want to do at least one pattern a month if not more as there are 14 total if I want to finish in a year.  

I wonder if Miss Peeps would like this? 

It's never too early to start making gifts for next Christmas!

Happy Trails!!!

Friday, January 5, 2024

Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'!

 Well, I had another trip around the sun yesterday.  I am officially 75 years old now!  I feel great and I had a doctor appointment today and all is fine although I have to wait for the blood work to come back.  I noticed that he wants to see me every 3 months now?  Hmmm....I asked  if it was the insurance company and she said no, it was doc.  I wonder if when you hit 75 they figure they should check up on you more often?  I may have to call and ask Monday.

I got some lovely cards and presents.....thank you, friends!  My cousin Kay, sent me the Old Person Bingo....hysterical.....the stickers are inside the card....I haven't played yet but what you want to bet I will get a Bingo when I do?!?  When we were kids, our aunt Alice would take us to Bingo at the VFW on Thursday nights.  That was in the day when kids could be around alcohol and!  We had so much fun...Kay remembers the Beer Nuts while I remember the Orange Crush pop and Aunt Alice always gave us unlimited refills.  She spoiled us did Uncle Ben!  Those were the days!

I had a birthday cross stitch's stitched on Ariosa fabric 22 count with 2 threads over 2's going to be a pillow similar to the photo but on the toweling fabric instead.....

 There's a kit for it at Farmgirl Drygoods............I have a red towel too for a Santa XS but the pattern is sold out right now but that's okay as I won't be starting that one for awhile.

I'm a big planner at the beginning of the New Year especially with my birthday at about the same time.  I have a Needle Worker's book and a Cross Stitch journal where I will be keeping track of my projects.....I also have a 5 year planner for non-craft related projects....

I also got some stickers to go in it................they are little books of stickers..........

It snowed this afternoon!!!  It's sticking but there's not much......but it's something!

Nothing can compare to a full blown midwest blizzard though, especially when I lived out in the country!  Loved it!  I always had plenty of food stored in the winter, I had 4 wheel drive plus a wood burner that kept my entire house toasty if the power went out.  Now, that was the epitome of cozy!

Happy Trails!!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

I had a great New far!

 I made a nice dinner and had a fire in the fireplace.  I watched football and worked on some crafty projects.  Today I made some more caramels and got a treasure in the mail...I got this book at Farmgirl Drygoods for $10 off!  Its all wool applique Christmas cute!

I knitted some on my Christmas sock and yesterday I started on Anniversaries of the Heart XS but forgot to take a photo of it.  There isn't much to see yet but the socks are looking good!

Happy Trails!!!