Thursday, October 17, 2024

Busy, busy, busy and I'm slow.........

 What a month so far!  Lots of excitement but not all the good kind.  First of all Sam had Homecoming......this is his junior year already....this is his girlfriend, Lanai.  They make a cute couple and they are both really good students.....

Then Grayson went on his first canoe trip to Minnesota and loved it.  But when he got home he and Sam went fishing and this happened...........a fish hook in his eyelid.....missed his eye PTL!!!  He had to go to the University of Iowa hospital for surgery but all is well and his eye was never touched....whew....that was a close call.  Sam felt terrible but Grayson admitted it was his fault....he knew better than to be behind someone casting.....

Then my washing machine (only 1 1/2 years old) started washing for 1 hour and 36 minutes instead of the usual 53 minute cycle.  So they came out but couldn't fix it and had to call Whirlpool and would come back.  Then the dishwasher finally bit the dust after about 50 years!  It was a Kitchen Aide and wonderful. I got a Maytag (still owned by Whirlpool along with Amana).  They brought it out, and tried to install it and said I needed a plumber and he might as well install it when he came.  They reimbursed me $54 as I had already paid them to install and take away the old one.  When the plumber came, I told  them what I was reimbursed and the plumber said (trying hard not to laugh)..."I can tell you this is going to cost more than $54!" which I knew it would.  I am waiting to get the bill to send it to the appliance vendor but I'm sure I won't get my money back. When the plumber installed it I was making supper so I never tried to use it that night.  I never even touched it.  When I got up in the morning the dishwasher was beeping and flashing an error code.  Now don't ya know it is Saturday.....I call the appliance store and they are no help whatsoever even to just get the beeping stopped.  They couldn't come out until Monday (as it ended up they didn't show up until Wednesday).  I fixed the beeper by finding the electrical outlet under the sink and  unplugging it (not easy for an old lady with a bad back!) They finally fixed the washer and the dishwasher but what an ordeal! This went on for 3 weeks from the time of purchase and calling them about the washer. 

During that time I got my Covid booster which laid me low for several days. I then got my flu shot and today I got my RSV shot.  The hummers left about the 10th and the last 2 days I spent scrubbing and disinfecting the bird feeder and then painting it.       

I replace the hummer feeder with the bird feeder and it hangs outside my kitchen window so I don' t have to go outside to fill it and it's under the eaves which keeps it dry and the birds safe.

We had our first frost last night and the lake was all steamy this morning...........
Also, last week we had junk day where the garbage people come by and pick  up anything you put out.  So I spent several days lugging out old broken appliances etc.  They never used to take electronics and it seemed that's all I had.  So I took out vacuum cleaners, a printer, a breadmaker and more.  I was exhausted but despite the back injury, I was able to get it all out there.  I just have to take a lot of breaks.  I was also able to get rid of my riding mower.

Hopefully, things will calm down now and I can relax a bit.  I still have a few appointments and I haven't gotten that plumber bill yet.....but I am still walking daily and enjoying the beautiful Fall we are having here.    

As for crafting, there has been little with the appliance problems and appointments etc. but I have gotten 3 books ahead on my Good Reads Challenge

I worked a bit on this stamped cross  stitch......

and this September project although it just says Fall to me.........


I hope you are all well and I can't wait to catch up with you all!

Happy Trails!!!


Sunday, September 29, 2024

I'm alive!!!

 I didn't feel like it for a few days....3 exactly.  I got my Covid booster and it laid me low.  I had chills, and was SO tired.  I took long naps every day.  One day I went back to bed at 10:30 in the morning!  I'm okay now but little got done.  Then my washer went from a 53 minute cycle to 1 hour and 36 minutes so the repair guys came yesterday.  Now, the dishwasher is not cleaning so I'll probably need a new one.  We had lots of rain  and wind from Helene so now there are branches everywhere I need to pick up but at least we didn't have the damage that others had.

I did manage to get my freezer organized are the tools I  used...all from Wally World.......

and these Rubbermaid freezer containers.......they're plastic but clear....
here is the before picture...

and after..........

I discovered I have way too many waffles and chocolate covered banana slices!  But now I can see what I have.  I may get a couple more of the larger freezer containers but overall it solved my problem of avalanches when I tried to find things and knowing exactly what was in there!

I did make some molasses cookies before I got sick........unfortunately I didn't have much of an appetite...

Miss Peeps asked to be on the post so here she is in all her glory................

That's all for now...hopefully I can get back on track and I pray nothing else breaks around here...especially me! LOL!

Happy Trails!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tis' the season!!!

 The season for Fall everything!  I have molasses cookies and spiced cider on the menu.  Cross stitch has been put aside for some holiday gift making and's quite the exciting time of year! Again, I haven't blogged for 2 weeks.  My only excuse  is the  time-consuming Swedish Death Cleaning!  I have so much junk stuff!  But I will conquer it all...if I live long enough.  I am ahead of the curve on a couple things or staying even.  On my Goodreads Book Challenge I am only 2 books behind schedule now.  I'm almost done with the Halloween ornaments.  I had to wait for the 2024 charms before I could put the back on them.  BTW if anyone needs 2024 charms just let me know your address and how many and  I will mail them to you.  I had to buy a pack of a zillion!

Here are the ornaments...done and beaded and now that I have the charms I can finish them.....



I've also been knitting since it is the season!  I need a hat for when I walk as I don't have any except for a loose hood on my coat which is normally enough but not for a 45 minute walk.  I found a free pattern from Lion Brand, beginner friendly and I'm about 1/2 way finished.......I'm using Malabrigo Rios worsted in the Cereza 033 color.  It is 100% Superwash Merino Wool which should keep me warm....


The only question I have is the photo shows purl bumps on both sides but it is garter stitch throughout and the brim rolls up but you can't have perl bumps on both sides as in the first photo.  There will be perl bumps on one side and knit stitches on the other as in my photo. did they do that?  There is  nothing in the instructions that explains's a mystery to me!  Anyone else have a clue?
It was also time to get out my handmade wool socks!  I was bad and did not wash them this past Spring but I did this week........they are all ready for the Fall/Winter season.......

as an aside..........

Happy Trails!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Yay!!! September!!!!

I'm so excited for Fall!!!  Yesterday I found a red leaf....only one but it's a start!  Its raining so there was no walking this morning.  There has been a little cooling off but it's so humid now it doesn't really make a difference.  I'm still waiting for the "cold front".

I got a convection oven! It's an Oster 10 in 1 and it does everything.  Lefty Crafter got one awhile ago and loves hers so since my wall oven was having a hard time pre-heating I decided to go for it.  I found a place for it on top of my antique gas oven.  I used it this morning to air fry some hash brown patties and it worked slick.  It cooks much faster than the regular oven and I'll have to decrease the cook times on things.  But I love it!

I was praying it would be fine and I wouldn't have to return it as I had enough trouble getting it in the house, unboxed, and lifted onto it's resting with the fractured spine! LOL!  But I managed thanks to the good Lord up above and the saying "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" my age, I say that many times during the day.   

I've been mostly cleaning in the kitchen this past week and several garbage bags got filled so progress is being made.  While cleaning I've been listening to "old" music from the 30's and 40's mostly on You Tube.....

I finished another Halloween ornament except for the beads which I hope to put on this can see where the beads and sequins will go by the black holes....

I finally finished reading The Distant Hours by Kate Morton.  I slogged through it and I usually love her books but I think I put it aside too many times.....
right now I'm reading The Tannenbaum Christmas Quilt #3 in the Door County series..........these are easy enjoyable  reads with great characters and kind people..............

I also started another series that is supposed to be similar to the Mitford books by Jan Karon which are one of my favorite far this one is good.......

That's all the news that's fit to print here.  I'm just continuing to clear out and keep my car packed to drop off at the thrift store and the garbage filled with...wait for it.........garbage.

Oh, it's FOOTBALL SEASON too!!! I listened to the Iowa Hawkeyes "skunk" Illinois State 40-0.....that had to hurt (Illinois that is).  Plus, those types of games are boring.  Next week the NFL starts too.  Another sign of Fall!


Happy Trails!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is it Fall yet???

 Last week was so nice and I was just sure the temps were dropping but then this coming week we are back in the 90's!  How can that be?  Also, I saw some leaves changing color until I realized the tree was disappointing!  But on the bright side, all the Fall flowers are flowering!  

So, hope is not lost!  I've heard there are rumblings of Fall up North so it's just a matter of time.  Meanwhile I am busy Fall cleaning and getting everything ready for Fall dishes, cozy fires, and decorating for the beloved season.  Tomorrow, I'm roasting a chicken and some acorn squash and maybe this week I'll make some molasses cookies.

This past week was busy with my daily walks, grocery shopping, pharmacy, doctor appointment and cleaning.  I did start making the Halloween ornaments and I have one finished except for the backing and the hanger for it .    These are from Satsuma House and they are done on perforated paper.  This is the first time I've done beading and it was fun!

I've been cleaning and organizing some shelving and cupboards and realized most of my jars of things are too tall for my cupboards so I purchased 2 of these containers that will fit.  In my farmhouse, I had the old farm kitchen with tall cupboards and the shelves were tall...not 7" high.  I used tall Ball canning jars for storing pasta, cereals, flour etc. but they won't fit in these "modern" cupboards.  So, I need to change things around.  I find the modern day kitchens to be very inefficient when it comes to storage space.  Hopefully these containers will help so I don't have bags of things sitting out and on top of  the fridge.  Any other helpful hints would be appreciated....

I've also been reading Susan Branch's blog archives and I love her decorating as she likes old things like I do.  Her blogs are a true joy to read with lots of info on old music, old movies, books, recipes, and just lots of inspiration.


Happy Trails and pray for Fall to hurry up and get here!!!


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Where does the time go???

 I am a terrible blogger.  It's been 2 weeks but here I am finally.  I have been busy and lots of out of the ordinary tasks and events.  First of all I had to send the alert medical monitor back but I found a better one.  It is Medical Guardian.  It cost more but it has a backup watch for when the device is charging.  The watch has to be fairly close in order to work with the primary but my primary is charging in the bathroom right around the corner from my bed.  I charge it at night and that's when I wear the watch.

Their support is excellent and there is so much more to it than the first one.

I have been walking every day except for yesterday when we had 4 inches of rain and flash flood warnings.  I'm taking the Fosomax for osteoporosis and I'm on my 3rd week with no ill effects so far.

I had other things to deal with as my insurance changed and there was new paperwork to fill out, also my financial people to change to paperless and also sign up for a "portal" for updates.  There was also AAA renewal.  Just a bunch of time consuming things that I wasn't expecting.  But I did get some windows washed and curtains.  I packed more thrift and loaded it in the car.  I'm still working on the porch too. 

I did manage to finish the Patriotic Chickens!!!  So cute..........I should have ironed it....I will before I final finish it....not sure how I will finish it.........

I also finished the Bluebird.............Melissa, please send me your address so I can send you the pattern that I promised you!  Email your address to and I will send it right out to you!

There is a border but I am not stitching it because I will be framing it and it is harder to get it straight if there is a border..... 

Still working on March AOTH and it is August!!!  It will take me 5 years at this rate!
I was way behind in my Good Reads challenge so I have been making a concerted effort to read some during the day to catch up and it's working!  I was like 12 books behind and now I am only 7 behind schedule and my goal is 52 books this year.
I have read 2 of the 3 book series by Susan Branch and they were both wonderful and will get reread for sure and I rarely do that.............

 The 3rd book in the Susan Branch series is about England and it is on it's way here!

I also finished the Ann Hazelton, Colebridge series of books....I think there were 7.....I thoroughly enjoy her books.   I'm now reading  the Door County series and just finished the first book...

I'm not sure if you are aware of this but if you like a particular book or series, you can Google to find books similar to them....I just did that and I have a few new books coming after doing that.  I shall see and report back.  I did check them on Amazon too for ratings and story line.

That's all for now.  I just spray painted a basket outside and it is heating up out there!  There is a heat advisory as it is going to be 95!  Ick!  Fall can't come soon enough for me! 

This made me laugh as I used to keep a spray bottle of water handy when Miss Peeps was younger and misbehaved A LOT!!! 

Happy Trails!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

A new month!!!

I'm starting to get excited for Fall!!!  Walmart has all their Fall decorations in, my hardy mum has a few blossoms and lots of buds, and my Fall clematis is getting ready to bloom also!  Bring it on!!!

Meanwhile, I'm still cleaning my porch but I have lots of boxes ready to go to the thrift store.  The porch is looking good but unfortunately now my kitchen table and the living room are a mess.  Why can't I clean like a normal person?  I cleared off this wicker rocker and now it is Miss Peeps favorite napping spot.....

I haven't done much craft wise this week.  I did get my "Connected Caregiver" monitor and I am wearing it now.........I talked to them and they are very nice and I tested it and it is a computer that answers but she knew my name and wanted to know if I needed help.  They know where I am at all times using GPS and it has a fall detector so even if I don't answer they know where I am and to send help.  They call the nearest ambulance/fire department.  That's great because where I walk there are no people or even houses.  It's very reassuring. 

My rotation piece this week was stamped cross stitch from back in the day but I really like it.......

It is not easy though because it is stamped on linen and the "Xs" don't always match with the linen holes plus they stamped in an  orange/brown which shows under the green for sure.  Oh well, I'm sure when it's all done it will look fine and I am truly enjoying working on it.  I've done some of the green lettering and part of the gold in the word Lord......... 

I've also been working on my March Anniversaries of the Heart......

and I can't forget the  Patriotic Chickens which only get love on the weekend and then in short supply...

In cleaning I discovered some granny squares...not sure what they were or are destined for....we shall see when I herd them altogether........

My grandson, Sam, returned from Puerto Rico and he had a grand time, they visited old San Juan, they went surfing, snorkeling, zip lining, volunteered helping a sea turtle organization, stayed at a coast guard station and went on their ship and ate lots of great food.  This weekend Sam is participating in a fishing competition and this morning he won a kayak!  Grayson is in Washington D.C. having a great time. These boys "earned" their trips by volunteering....a lot!  Amy has been enjoying some child-free time to herself for the first time in years!!! LOL!  It will be short lived once school starts for all of them.   The boys aunt has moved back to Iowa from Florida.  She is a math teacher and will be teaching at Grayson's school and might be his teacher.  What a great summer the grands have had!

I have been walking every day except I took today off.  I worked in the yard this week trimming and getting rid of the trimmings.  Watering as it is hot here.  I started taking the Fosomax once a week and working on the porch/Arkansas/Florida room?  This next week will be more of the same but no appointments thank goodness!  Hopefully, I 'll get more work done.  What have you all been up to?

Here's a funny for!

Happy Trails!!!