My CT scan revealed a spinal fracture that was very painful. They put me on pain pills that made me throw up. They gave me anti-nausea pills which did nothing...I still threw up. The doctor at the hospital said there was nothing they could do so I thought it meant that the rest of my life I would be in pain and not be able to function. Evidently, he meant there was no surgery to fix it. I had a followup with my doctor and he said not to worry and that I would heal in 6-10 weeks. Not sure how good I will heal or if I have to restrict certain things like no lifting or bending. Anyway, it's been a painful month and he wanted me to get a recliner with a lift, a toilet seat with handles, and a shower chair. Expensive and I don't use them. I tried the recliner as I have to sleep basically sitting up but it hurt my back even more so that was a waste of a lot of money. I do use the shower chair but just to hang on to. I hate showers and I miss my baths.
Thank God, my daughter, Amy, came down and helped me until I was on my feet again. I lost 10 pounds as I had no appetite. We got the pills regulated and I am not in any pain now unless I twist the wrong way or over do things. The hardest is getting up and down from a sitting position or from laying down but I am much better this week. The county Agency on Aging is arranging for an aide to come in and do some cleaning for me...vacuuming, cleaning tub and toilets, and changing sheets. Those are things I cannot and should not do. I have to pay for it but it will be worth it for sure.
So, I am healing slowly but so glad I am not in pain anymore. I am getting back into my routine as much as possible. Amy left the other day and she was such a big help and a blessing to me. I hadn't done any handwork but I am starting to get back into it. I hope you are all fine and I will try and blog again on a regular basis.
Far Side sent me birthday gifts that were so lovely and really lifted my spirits. Thank you again!
Happy Trails!!!
Oh my goodness. I will add you to my prayer list. I am so glad that they found out what was causing it, and what a recovery time you will have. That is so nice that you had help too. Bless her heart. I too cannot take pain medications, as it makes me sick. I did not even see your post about your birthday. Happy be-lated birthday! Hoping and praying you feel better soon.
Oh my, Sam. I am so sorry to hear all the trouble you are having. How blessed you are that Amy came to help you out for a little bit. Happy belated birthday! You are on my prayer list.
Dear Sam, so sorry to hear that you've been down and out. Good thing you got it checked and found out what was really going on. It's hard to let go of responsibilities when we are used to doing everything ourselves. It's good Amy was able to help you out so you could really rest up. Glad to hear you are doing better now. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it. Belated birthday wishes. You and my husband, Sam :) have the same birthday. He can't believe he's 66. Age is such a weird thing. Hugs and blessings, Tammy
Good that you felt good enough to write a blog, you have had quite a month. So thankful for Amy being there with you and I hope you get the help you need to keep on keeping on!
Thank you so much! It was on my was not one for the memory!
Thank and Josh have been on mine every day so I thank you for putting me on yours!
Wish Sam a happy belated birthday too! He's a youngin....I'm 76. Glad to hear from you. How are the boys although they're not boys anymore are they?
Same for you...we both need to "keep on keeping on".
Sam! I had no idea. I'm so sorry to hear about your problems. I broke my back snow blowing close to 10 years ago and I know how painful it is. Please go slowly and don't rush your recovery. I'm so glad that Amy was able to come help you and also that you'll have some help with your housework. That's probably difficult for you to let go, but sometimes we just have to accept the help don't we? I will definitely be praying for you to recover very quickly and with no lasting effects.
Blessings and hugs,
You have been on my mind and now I know why. I will pray for you to have quick healing and a full recovery. It is so wonderful that your daughter was able to come help out. I hope the cleaning service does a great job for you. Sending a big virtual hug your way and Happy Belated Birthday!
Thank goodness your daughter could come & help...I do hope you continue to improve.
I remember when you broke your back. Have we known each other that long? Amazing! I am healing and the bad reactions to the meds have stopped and I am extremely grateful for that and for friends like you! Thank you.
Thank you so much! I am so blessed to have my blogging friends and the healing is going well thanks to everyone's prayers!
Thank you, Susan...I think the worst is over.
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