Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Past peak?

 I think we are just past peak colors for Fall here.  It was and still is a beautiful Fall here.  One of the prettiest that I remember.  

It's gotten warm again.....it's been 80 the past week which if my back wasn't hurting I'd be out painting.  It is getting better though!  Yesterday I took a load to the thrift store and picked up groceries.  I got the garbage out, cleaned the litter box (that's a back killer!), and cleaned up the kitchen, filled water bottles, watered plants and worked a bit on guest room.  It was a full day.  I did some XS on breaks, watched some podcasts and The Good Wife on Paramount Plus after supper, and worked on my Prism blanket.

Today I was able to change the sheets!  Yay! I did some cleaning and washed a load of clothes and now I'm blogging and it's already 3:30!  Where does the time go?

That's all that's fit to print but the back feeling better is going to help a lot!

Happy Trails!!!


Far Side of Fifty said...

Good to hear that you are feeling better. Better take it easy and not try to do everything in one day!

Betsy said...

I am SO glad to hear that your back is feeling a bit better. Please don't try to do too much. Oops! I just read that Connie said the same thing. Great minds and all! Ha!
You did get a LOT done. We're having beautifully warm weather for November too. It was 68F today! That's crazy and it's supposed to stay in the 50's and 60's for the foreseeable future.
Take care Sam.
Blessings and hugs,

Lin said...

Good to hear your back is improving - don't overdo it though! The autumn colour is just my favourite and we seem to have plenty of it here this year. xx

Miss Merry said...

So glad you are a little better, but please, please take it slow and easy.

Our trees were mostly golds this year instead of oranges and reds. Love your photos.

Leftycrafter said...

WOW! You have done a lot with a sore back. Hopefully it will be all healed soon. Be careful my friend.