Monday, June 17, 2024

Lots done but no blogging !!!

 I had so many appointments last week plus grocery shopping and weeding and walking every day. Each day I walk a little farther and I hope to increase my stamina.  By the time I get back to the house my back and hips are feeling it! 

 The deeds, power of attorney for medical and financial is done plus insurance company changes.  It was a lot of running around last week but worth the peace of mind.  Now, once I get all the copies sent back to me, I will set up a notebook like Far Side (Connie) did for her daughter.  

I got a little cleaning and clearing done in the living room and no cross stitch at all.  I think I was burnt out and I really wanted to crochet.  I did start a ripple blanket but the colors are too bright.  I was wanting to make one in Cath Kidson colors.  I saw a granny square one and I like it but the colors I have are too bright especially the yellow.   My Aunt Bernice (who basically raised me)  used to make ripple afghans all the time.  I think she got the kits from Hershner's.  It's an easy pattern to memorize except for the corners and turning.  If I make a mistake in crocheting, it is always at that point so I am careful.  I was looking for a "mindless" crochet project for when I watch t.v.  I like the ripple but not the colors.  Maybe I'll need to order yarn....heaven forbid!

Here are some of the ones I like...........

 I think it's the bright green and the bright yellow that's turning me off and maybe it would be better suited to a granny square blanket....any suggestions?  I've also thought about making yarn balls with all my scraps using the magic knot method and doing a granny stripe.  I need to hurry up and get a project for evenings....I'm not good at just sitting with nothing to do.  I have other projects but they are not mindless and I am watching The Crown at night.

Oh, I have a new method for organizing my cross stitch floss that I will share with you as soon as I get the supplies for it.  Maybe that's what I'll do in the evening as it would be mindless for sure! LOL!

I personally don't have this problem since I have a degree in computer science.....unless it's my cell phone and then I have to call my grandson! LOL! 

Happy Trails!!!


Monday, June 10, 2024

Craft weekend was a failure!!!

 I had a good week and got some more Swedish Death Cleaning done.  There was grocery shopping and some cooking but over the weekend I energy, no motivation....I think sometimes I just run out of steam.  I did manage to crochet a little chicken trivet?  I wouldn't think it would make a good potholder but a trivet or coaster or candle mat?  It's cute and I love chickens..........

Mostly I vegged out the whole weekend.....I got some books from Thrift Books so I read and napped my way through the weekend...........yes, I'm thinking of Christmas already........

here's another one....both by Cheri Saffiote who is no longer with us........but her talent and patterns are still out there...........

I also got the first book in one of Ann Hazelwood's series of fictional quilt's very good and I know I will be getting more of can even get the fan  pattern on her website for free........

I worked on my son Jim's XS but I will wait to take a picture once it's done with it's rotation.  Right now it is Day #3 of 5....I did work on March Anniversaries of the cousin Kay will be going on  this one since her birthday is in March.

I'm finally seeing the end in sight for my new will, beneficiary deeds, power of attorney and medical power of attorney/directive.  The deeds need to be notarized and then registered at the courthouse and that should do it.  I will finally have most of my ducks in a row.

I also got my hiking sticks from Amazon and adjusted them to my height.  I used them this morning on my first walk and got in over 2000 steps of 10,000 which you're supposed to do daily....yeah right! LOL!  But I will build up my stamina for more steps.  I used to walk 4 miles a day with my girls (dogs) but in 1 month I lost both my dogs.  I had no desire to walk those trails without them.  When I did start walking I fell twice because it is blacktop and gravel and where I walk is deserted old roads that are overgrown.  I saw some hiking sticks and thought that might prevent me from falling so that's what I am using now.  It felt good to get out there early in the morning before it heats up.   Wish me luck!      

I hope you all had a good weekend and I will hopefully catch up with all of you this week.

Happy Trails!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The bedroom is finally done!!!

 What has it taken me...3 weeks?  But I'm not complaining...I feel blessed to be able to do it even if I'm slow as snail do-do! LOL!  I forgot to get pictures of my lilac and my Japanese Irises when they were blooming but I have some other flowering plants to show Asiatic Lilies..........

the geraniums that I wintered in the house are doing well........

Last Fall they had a sale on some plants so I bought a proven Winner rose and it is!!!!  I has grown big and blooms continually even into November last year.  I'll be looking for more of those!

I also bought an azalea but it almost died and is just now starting to come back.  I bought an ever blooming lilac that is supposed to bloom all summer!  I love lilacs so I snapped that one up!  It had buds this Spring but it got "frosted" and is just now starting to bloom again.........

I just finished my 5 day rotation on the Bluebird cross stitch from Susan pretty! It will be awhile before I get back to it but it will get finished eventually!  When I finish it I am going to send the pattern to Melisa as I know she loves the vintage bluebirds and that is what this one reminds me of...........

I'm off to cook up some rutabaga...supper will be fish fillets, sweet potato and rutabaga....I worked up an appetite today!  Not sure what's next on the cleaning list or the rotation...I'll let you know...

Here' s a little humor for you............

Happy Trails!!!


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Weekend Craft Extravaganza!!!

 Leaving my weekends open to just create is working out good.  I got a lot done this weekend and I would like to make a goal of finishing 3 things every weekend but that may be pushing the envelope!  LOL!

I did finally finish the carrots....ta da! they are in all their carroty goodness.........the pattern says you can "rag up" the edges but it looked like a lot of work when eventually their raw edges will "rag up" on their own.   They were a fun project.... 

I'm not sure if I posted this before but it was in a pile of things I wanted to finish so here it is.....if I've shown this before I apologize........

I also finished the potholder...again...I had to do it over as their directions made it stretch out.  I won't be following their directions came out fine the way I did it...........

I also found a little cross stitch that I did many years can tell it's dated by the subject....these were all over cross stitch patterns back in the day.....I had never final finished it but I did today........this is a little Springtime's amazing what you find when you clean your house....

Those were all the finishes for this weekend but I did work on Cross Stitch Camp Badge yesterday.....
and Melisa's  (Pinker and Punkin blog) patriotic Chickens today...........I haven't stitched any of the chickens yet but they're coming soon!

That's all for this weekends crafty goodness!  What did you get up to this weekend?

Happy Trails!!!