Monday, June 17, 2024

Lots done but no blogging !!!

 I had so many appointments last week plus grocery shopping and weeding and walking every day. Each day I walk a little farther and I hope to increase my stamina.  By the time I get back to the house my back and hips are feeling it! 

 The deeds, power of attorney for medical and financial is done plus insurance company changes.  It was a lot of running around last week but worth the peace of mind.  Now, once I get all the copies sent back to me, I will set up a notebook like Far Side (Connie) did for her daughter.  

I got a little cleaning and clearing done in the living room and no cross stitch at all.  I think I was burnt out and I really wanted to crochet.  I did start a ripple blanket but the colors are too bright.  I was wanting to make one in Cath Kidson colors.  I saw a granny square one and I like it but the colors I have are too bright especially the yellow.   My Aunt Bernice (who basically raised me)  used to make ripple afghans all the time.  I think she got the kits from Hershner's.  It's an easy pattern to memorize except for the corners and turning.  If I make a mistake in crocheting, it is always at that point so I am careful.  I was looking for a "mindless" crochet project for when I watch t.v.  I like the ripple but not the colors.  Maybe I'll need to order yarn....heaven forbid!

Here are some of the ones I like...........

 I think it's the bright green and the bright yellow that's turning me off and maybe it would be better suited to a granny square blanket....any suggestions?  I've also thought about making yarn balls with all my scraps using the magic knot method and doing a granny stripe.  I need to hurry up and get a project for evenings....I'm not good at just sitting with nothing to do.  I have other projects but they are not mindless and I am watching The Crown at night.

Oh, I have a new method for organizing my cross stitch floss that I will share with you as soon as I get the supplies for it.  Maybe that's what I'll do in the evening as it would be mindless for sure! LOL!

I personally don't have this problem since I have a degree in computer science.....unless it's my cell phone and then I have to call my grandson! LOL! 

Happy Trails!!!



Jeanna said...

You've made a lot of progress getting those personal items taken care of. Setting up a binder with key documents is a great idea. I think we (including Mom) will need to redo all of our documents since we've moved to North Carolina. I remember those ripple afghans. I haven't seen one in years. I can't wait to see how you organize all of your floss. I need ideas.

Leftycrafter said...

I like the colors you are using in your Ripple. But I like bright cheerful colors to cheer me up on dreary winter days. When I do afghans I use a stitch marker to make sure I know where my turning otherwise I either overshoot or undershoot the corners. Then it gets all wonky looking lol. Good job on getting all those important matters handled. Now you can rest easy thay Amy won't be in a pickle if anything happens to you.

Miss Merry said...

As the oldest and everyone's executor, I think your notebook of papers is the greatest gift to your family.
I taught myself to crochet using pictures and my first projects were all granny squares. They have a special place in my heart.

Betsy said...

I've been thinking about that notebook too. Dennis and I have talked about it and I think we're going to do the same thing. Mandy already has a copy of the will and other associated papers like the power of attorney and medical power of attorney, but I think it would be a good thing to have all of our financial things with it too. That way she wouldn't have to be hunting for papers at a time when she may be upset.

I like those colors that you have but it has to make you happy, not me. They would look good in granny squares too. I'm working on another wheelchair blanket right now that is just 3 dc clusters for one row and dc the next. For the entire blanket. It's very mindless.

Blessings and love,

Far Side of Fifty said...

I like the yellow in your ripple! Glad you are getting all the legal stuff organized...there is more to it all than a person thinks!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You did have a busy week, but I am sure it is a relief to get those legal things in order. Your afghan is looking wonderful; such pretty fibers that you are using. I have an affection for afghans and have a rippled one in fall colors. Enjoy working on your crochet . Have a lovely week. Hugs

Lin said...

Good to get all those things out of the way, we did ours a couple of years ago and it's nice to have it done.
I love doing ripple blankets, nice mindless evening crochet. The colours in the first granny square picture are lovely and I would say slightly softer than the ones you are using. What about varying the width of the stripes? But, if you really don't like what you have stop, as you will never be happy with it! xx

Between Me and You said...

Keep going with the ripple. The louder colours will soon get lost as it grows and you introduce more colours. I like the sound of the notebook. Off to check it out.