Saturday, June 22, 2024

Medical Mystery!!!

 I was humming along this week until I had a "spell"?  I had taken my walk, worked outside weeding and carrying brush to the brush pile across the street.  I came in and was changing my sheets and planning on taking a bath after that but.....while changing my sheets, I got a terrible ache in my back which proceeded to travel around to my abdomen and then I got nauseous and thought I was going to throw up.  It was the awfullest "ache" I've ever had and I was just sure it was a heart attack.  I called the doctor and told the nurse my symptoms and she told me to come right in.  My back was still aching but not as bad and finally completely disappeared.  They did an EKG and it was normal.  My doctor thought it could be a kidney stone so he sent me next door to the hospital for tests.....everything came back fine.  The doctor there said I was very healthy but he did give me a prescription for nitroglycerin in case the pain came back.

Yesterday I had an appointment for a follow up with my doctor and even though it hadn't come back he is persistent in finding the cause so he thought maybe it was my back so he sent me next door to the hospital (so convenient) to get x-rays of my back.  I will return to his office Wednesday to see the results of the x-rays.  He's going on vacation the next day so I think he wanted to ensure I was going  to be okay while he was gone.  So, needless to say it has not been a very productive week but I at least kept up with the regular chores and the cat and the plants are still alive! LOL!

I will show you some treasures I got in the mail and today I hope to do some crafting!  These are vintage Christmas fabrics from Buttermilk Basin that I had reserved quite awhile ago.  You have to do that now if you want certain fabric otherwise they sell out as soon as it comes in..........these are the type of designs that were popular when I was a child............

I also, accidentally got another huge ball of yarn.......I guess I should have known by the price but I was in a hurry........

I also got a panel to make some bags/purses by Minky Kim.....I saw them made up on Nicole Spohrl's You Tube cute!

I've been watching Sew on Wednesday with  Lorraine from Texas....she is so sweet and does some lovely cross stitch.  She's the one that gave me the idea for organizing flosses this new way.........this is how I store them now with Floss Away bags on's okay but with Arthritis it is so hard for me to open and close those rings.........

So, per Lorraine's instructions....I went and got Ziploc Snack bags, index cards, and a Sharpie......

and now I am storing my floss like this...............

the container is just one I had...I think it's a freezer container but there are lots of  options just measure your bags.......there's one that Lorraine got from Amazon that has dividers which I might get eventually..........I'll see how this works out first as this container is $31.........I'll be storing my hand dyed

flosses this way too...

Happy Trails!!!


Miss Merry said...

Oh goodness! Scary! I am so glad your doctor is taking this seriously and is determined to get to the bottom of it. You take it easy, missy.
Love love the fabrics. Nothing better than vintage, even if it is reproduction. I can't wait to see what you do with it!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice fabrics!
Sounds like a kidney stone...glad the pain passed, but it may be back. When Gene had his stone the pain started in his back and wrapped around and he was very nauseated and in lots of pain. Hope the Doctors figure it out. Drink lots of fluids!!

Betsy said...

I'm sure that was so scary for you Sam. As Merry said, I'm glad the doctor is taking this seriously. I remember before I got my pacemaker, I had an ER doctor that said "women don't have heart problems." Since when???
Love the fabrics and the idea for storing floss. I have mine in those little boxes from Michaels that I bought about 40 years ago!

Susan said...

Hope this was just a momentary thing and all comes good!

Love the little joke at the end.

Leftycrafter said...

Golly gee, Sam. Don't be going and getting all sick again. That had to be a bit scary. Hopefully it was just 'one of those things'. I spent most of my afternoon winding about 70 skeins of floss onto bobbins and getting them into marked bags. Your system is almost like mine but I use a big ring to keep them together. I never open the ring once the bags are on it. Just open the bags and grab the floss. What will you be making woth the new yarn?

Jeanna said...

What a scary thing to have happen. I'm glad it didn't happen again and I hope they find out what caused it. Sounds like you have a wonderful doctor. I bobinated my DMC floss years ago and have kept up with that storage method. However, I regret it now as the floss comes off creased, ugh!


It's great to hear you're getting thorough care and that the initial tests came back fine. Your perseverance and positivity are admirable, especially with all you've managed to do this week. Love the vintage Christmas fabrics—can't wait to see your crafts!

Read my new post!