Monday, July 29, 2024

It's worse than I thought!!!

 I am a curious person and I definitely want to know details.  So, I went to the pharmacy to pick up my Fosomax and I had a  talk with Frank, my pharmacist.  Pharmacists stay on top of medicines more than doctors do.  He had all the scoop too.  I told him I was Stage 3 osteoporosis and he told me I HAD to take the medicine.  He said the bit about the medicine causing fractures is just a warning they put on the medicine because of lawsuits.  He said some people get a fracture after not taking it very long or not taking it properly.  He did print out a sheet of facts for me and highlighted the things I need to watch for.   I told him the doc said if I fall I could break my hip.  Frank said..."Sam, you don't have to fall.  If it's brittle enough it can break when you're just standing there."  See, it is worse than I thought!  Whoa Nellie!!!

So, I start the medicine tomorrow morning....once a week and I pray I don't break anything.  I also decided to order one of those "life alert" type monitors.  It cost $50 and then it's $40 a month but well worth it since I live alone and I don't carry my phone with me around the house.  This monitor even detects falls like if I would break my hip I wouldn't be able to get to the phone.  They check up on you and if necessary call for help.  I used to joke about the ads that would say  "help, I've fallen and I can't get up" I know why....they probably broke their hip!  I could lay there for hours or more before anyone would find me.  It arrives Friday....I can't wait!

I did walk this morning, and I did some trimming outside before it got hot.  I did some laundry, packed up stuff for the thrift store and got the garbage out to the street.  I worked on the porch this afternoon.

Yesterday I worked on Patriotic Chickens and I am still organizing floss.  I thought I'd be done with both by now but I am a very slow person and I take a lot of breaks when the back starts hurting.

This is Melissa's design (PinkerandPunkin) and it is free on her website....she is so generous and her designs are the cutest!  A few more chickens and flags and she will be done.

I don't mean to go on about my health issues I just feel that by sharing someone else might benefit from the information.  Hopefully, that's all for awhile...I pray!

Happy Trails!!!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Movin' and groovin'!!!

 Well , the pity party is over and I got to work!  I started cleaning my  porch which has become a catch all for everything from gardening equipment, pots for plants, books, boxes, and picture hanging tools, and more.  I usually start in one corner and just go around the room.  I worked on it yesterday and today and filled 2 garbage bags and the rest was taken to it's original destination.  I unearthed my wicker rocking chair and Miss Peeps has been napping in it ever since.

What I didn't show you were the treasures I got last week.  New shoes which are really comfortable and good for my favorite shoes of all time!  My original pair is over 20 years old and I still use them for yard work and they are still my favorite pair despite the way they look.

Here is the new pair............

I can't recommend them highly enough and there are lots of colors for men and women......

I also got a rechargeable rope light which I use in my bedroom as the lamp doesn't shine on my handwork or book when I''m reading...this works slick and there are three brightness levels and you can direct the light where you want it....

Plus, more containers of the smaller size that I can lift and tote......

As for cross stitch....I worked on the Star for my 5 day rotation this past week......I ran out of one color of floss so I need to order it...this is the second to the last row when finished there will be 16 stars total......

I worked on the March Anniversaries of the Heart and finally finished the beast of a house........there's still more to go but I am glad to be done with the house........

Today I'm working on the Patriotic Chickens which I will show you tomorrow.  It's going to be a hot one this coming week here in Arkansas.  They already have a heat warning out for tomorrow.

Have you been watching the Olympics?  I love them and especially the equestrian events.  When I rode I was learning dressage and hoping to get to jumping and eventing but unfortunately I got RA and that put a kabosh on those plans.  I was a little late to the party anyway plus it's an expensive hobby but at least I got to experience it for awhile.

Happy Trails!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pity Party!!!

I'm sorry I didn't invite you to the pity party.  Yesterday was my doctor appointment for the results of my tests that I had.

The good news is that the kidney stones are gone and they weren't that bad for me but the bad news is I have severe osteoporosis and if  I fall I would break my hip and basically it's a downward spiral from there.  I told him I don't DO downward spirals!  Wow, he really made my day.  I was happy as a lark when I went in thinking I feel great and the ailments I have had are not bothering me but he broke that bubble!  He wants me to take Fosomax which  I took years ago after being on steroids (strong ones) for my RA but then you have to get off of them after awhile which  I was glad to do.  I don't like their ads because they warn that you might get fractures...huh?  Isn't that what it is supposed to prevent?  I will talk to the pharmacist as they are more up to date on meds than doctors.  So, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself but then I reminded myself that I have fallen several times in the last few years and not broken anything.  That doesn't mean I can't, but I can't be afraid of falling either.   What really bothered me is he thought I should get one of those 3 legged canes to use....HUH?  I walk fine, I do not limp, I do not get dizzy or off balance!  I mean really? There  may come a day when I need something like that but it won't be today!  I know he is concerned and he is a very caring doctor.  I think he worries because he knows I have an attitude of invincibility but so far that has worked really well for me!    Today I am back on track and feeling positive and invincible again.  It's raining today and tomorrow which is good because I didn't feel like walking after he put the fear of God in me.  But, I will be back walking on Monday.

Do any of you take Fosomax?  Do any of  you have osteoporosis?  I've had it for years and even falling I've never broken anything but  I've heard people on it get fractures...that's the part that scares me.  It may all be a!  Like my cousin Kay stated...."Old age is not for sissies"!

With all the rain we've had the flowers are doing great........I took these pictures one day when the sun was out....

These are water lilies across the street on the lake............

 and a little bit of something to make you  smile....

Happy Trails!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Finally getting organized!!!

 Not everything but some my cross stitch.  Here are the containers I am housing my cross stitch charts and works in progress.  I have 2 containers full of WIPs and  one container full of charts.  I did not buy all of these charts.  I was gifted many when I joined a Stitch Mania Group on Facebook.  I wanted to participate in Stitch Mania but I had just started back into cross stitch so many very generous people sent me charts, fabric, and kits.  It was amazing and I was/am so grateful.  I do have lots of WIPs though and need to work on finishing them.  That's what the rotation is for.  I can't say I won't start new projects but I will try and rein it in! LOL!

Here are my containers......I used to use those big containers but at my age I can no longer lift them much less attempt to carry them up or down from the basement so I have switched  to these smaller containers which I can manage....

Here are the charts............

The labels I use are from IMAGAME on Amazon and are 3"x5"clear adhesive index card pockets.  I love them for labeling and you can swap out the index cards if you change the contents.

My floss is now being organized in snack bags with index cards inside with the DMC number.  I still have the hand-dyed flosses to organize and I hope I have room...

That's my cross stitch organization and I'm so glad it's done as it was all over the house and I couldn't find things.  

A quick note about a great book that Far Side of Fifty read and recommended..... I gave it 5 out of 5!

It was a great book.  I would include the synopsis that Amazon puts out but I think they tell way too much about the story.   

Just a note:

Happy Trails!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Little Trip Down Memory Lane.....

 Not to make anyone feel bad but today it is 5  years since my son Jim died.  He would be 43 years old....hard to believe.  I am not organized with photos like Far Side of Fifty.  I could have spent all day going through a big tote filled with pictures in no order whatsoever!  LOL!  But here are some cute ones of Jim and the rest of the gang when they were little and I was much younger! 

We used to go up to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin during the summer as we lived in Rockford, IL and it was only about 45 minutes away.  We have great memories of spending the day at the beach and watching the fireworks on the lake in the evening.....Jim was so cute

 Jim and I.........
Here's the whole gang except dad taking the picture...from left to right; Benjamin, Christopher, me, Jim, and Amy

I think all Mother's wish their children could remain little forever but alas those years are short lived...

We love you and miss you Jim....XXXOOO

Happy Trails!!!

P.S.  Okay, I cannot tell a lie...there were some tears shed making this post.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Back in the saddle again!!!

Another "unusual" week.  Retirement is a full time job when you're as old as I am! LOL!  I had 2 tests this week at 2 different hospitals.  Monday I had a bone density scan and Friday I had a CT scan.  I managed to keep up with meals, laundry, and watering, walks, and caring for Miss Peeps but not much else.  I  have no results yet but I'm pretty sure I have an overactive bladder!  I can't get anything done as every time I get up I have to head to the bathroom.  Supposedly, they have treatments for it which would be great as I am up 4-5 times in the night too.  Geez Louise!  But, it could be much worse so I'll deal with it.

Meanwhile, I did organize all my XS WIPs and listed them and I am listing all the patterns/charts I have to.  I will show you when finished which hopefully will be this weekend.  I have some more floss to organize also.  But in organizing, I was able to find my Star XS and the Patriotic Chickens which I had misplaced and Grayson's Wolf.  So, back to my rotation schedule!

Here's the progress made this week on Anniversaries of the Heart March.......the last 2 windows and the door are done and the I'll fill in the rest of the house.........

Grayson's Wolf was worked on for 5 days this week and I am pretty much finished with the first page (of 4 pages  OMG).  I have figured out that there are paintings that people pixelate and turn into cross stitch patterns but I don't care for them....they are difficult to stitch and I don't think they turn out as nice as ones that are designed for cross stitch.  It can be done nicely as is evidenced by sampler reproductions but this one, to me, could have been designed better and with more attention but then, what do I know.  I love my grandson but this is not a cross stitch that I enjoy working on.     For example...what are the white patches on the face?  Strange.....
I also found my Patriotic Chickens and I worked on them a bit today..........a Pinker and Punkin cute!!!  See the bag on the right?  My daughter gave me this bag with chickens on it.  Perfect for the patriotic chickens....

I received a treasure this week too..........looking forward to Fall and Halloween!!!  This is a kit that contains everything for both little quilts........I got it from Farmgirl Drygoods............

Happy Trails!!!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

All's well that ends well!

 I went to the doc yesterday and took him the joke about the colonoscopy machine.  He got a kick out if it because he and I go around about it.  He wanted me to get one after the diverticulitis and I refused.  So, then we compromised and he wanted me to do the Cologuard test.  I agreed but told him if  it was negative I didn't want to  hear anymore about a colonoscopy.  Deal!  So, my test came back negative so I thought I won that round  until he mentioned that you're supposed to have one at least every 5 years....but I said.....nope, we're done! LOL!

He concurred with me after hearing what had gone on over the week while he was on vacation, that I indeed had passed a kidney stone.  He told me if I get that "feeling" again to call him and he will send me for a CT scan as he stated "you could have a whole family of kidney stones in there"!  Are you kidding me?  My doctor has a sick sense of humor but he is always right too so most of the time I follow his advice.  I know he has my best interests at heart.

I am getting back on schedule now and I even got some cross stitch done....but no sewing...I'm still working on March Anniversaries of the Heart...that house is a beast!

Whenever I "clean and organize" I can't find I couldn't find my rotation piece so I grabbed this cutie instead which I love is stitched on one of those French towel yardages and will eventually be made into a pillow but not exactly like the one in the  photo.........

The sides of this towel have blue stripes running the length of it............
I'd best get back to work....always stuff to do around here.

Here's a little cutie for you..............

Happy Trails!!!

Monday, July 8, 2024

You are not going to beleive this!!!

 I spent the  past week passing a kidney stone!  Not fun but not as bad as the diverticulitis was.  I am  officially an old person now as all I talk about are my ailments! LOL!  I was so tired, I would get up and 2 hours later be back in bed.  I napped on and off as I had no energy to do anything.  It finally passed on Sunday morning and  that's when I actually realized what was causing me  to be so tired.  It was not a bad pain but more a pressure when I tried to go to the bathroom but then the dam broke and what a relief!

So , I did little all week except try and keep up with minimal chores and sleep a lot.  My doctor was on vacation so I didn't call him but I go in this Wednesday so I will tell him then.  Today I'm trying to catch up with laundry, cooking, cleaning.  I'll be back tomorrow with more fun news and  photos.  At my age it seems every week is something different!  I hadn't walked either but I did this morning.  Feeling good is such a wonderful blessing.  I wish the same for all of  you!

Happy Trails!!!

Since I've been a little focused on medical issues I thought you might get a kick out of this...but not if you're scheduled for a colonoscopy anytime!