I had 3 priorities for January....1) finish ornaments 2) start and complete anniversaries of the Heart #1, and 3) clean and clear dining room.
The ornaments are done...........I sent 2 of the 4 on their way this morning....along with some books and some homemade caramels which I think they will enjoy...........
2) I did start and complete the first block of Anniversaries of the Heart for January. I was able to put all the family birthdays that fall in January in it. I put in my initial but didn't leave enough room for my middle initial, then there is my Mother's, IEG, my son's BL, and my Aunt HG.....it was the first time I cross stitched one over one which is tedious but doable. AOTH February is up next and I forgot to order the floss so I ordered that this morning....so, I'm already behind! LOL!
3) the dining room is done except for shampooing the carpeting. I didn't get to that but as I start on the living room next I hope to continue to do that in both rooms. The table before was covered with sewing stuff and so were the chairs...ie every surface! It was a mess! I have also packed up several boxes from this room to go to the thrift store........all the furniture you see belonged to my parents except the smaller pieces and the Chinese desk in the corner...it's all getting sold except the desk which Amy wants....I am definitely scaling down!Today is the 31st so I'm working on my Halloween XS piece.........
In the next post I'll let you know what my February goals are.
Here's a little inspiration.............
Happy Trails!!!