Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Let me show you my "etchings"!

 When I first moved down to Arkansas I discovered there were Bob Ross art classes being taught right here in town so I signed up.  Here are the results of my painting classes........

I never did continue.  I got it out of my system and it seemed a lot of work with oil paints.  

But recently I've been thinking about water colors.  Far Side of Fifty dabbles in them and she just got some supplies that looks like she's getting pretty serious!  I ran across some podcasts about painting with water colors and then my favorite pod caster, Le Petite Saint Crochet,  Elise podcasted about a water color book she got that has the sketches in it and you just have to tear it out and paint it!  The author instructs you how to mix your colors and how to paint it with different techniques.  Well, that sealed the deal for me!  I received the book yesterday and now I just need to order the supplies she recommends.  She has other books too but the In The Forest book spoke to me.  Yes, I have fallen down another rabbit hole but those rabbit holes are so exciting!

 Back in February I ordered a crochet book that Elise, from Le Petite Saint Crochet recommended.  It was stuck in Memphis for 6 days!  Memphis is the black hole of USPS.  If it goes to Memphis, you may never see it!  But, miracle of miracles it arrived in my mailbox yesterday and I was so excited!  I made myself a cup of tea. got myself all comfortable and was going to spend some quality time with my new treasure!  Until I looked closer and realized it was in another language.....eastern European I'm guessing.  What a disappointment after waiting all that time!  But at least I got to look at the  pictures.

I  messaged the seller on Amazon and she emailed me this morning and said she is sending out another book.  This time in English.  I just pray it doesn't go through Memphis! LOL! 

Are any of you painters or artists?  Do you dabble in any of these mediums?  Which is your favorite?

I hope you are having a great day.  I've been Spring cleaning or just regular cleaning in the Spring.....although we are expecting snow this Friday!  I guess Spring didn't get the memo!

Happy Trails!!!


Miss Merry said...

Your paintings are just wonderful! You need to frame them and decorate your house.

I took a watercolor class at our senior center and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately the time of the classes does not fit into my grandchildren schedule and then covid. Maybe I can get back to it someday.

Our blackhole is in Indiana. I can't think of the city right now, but I actually had a package buried there for 4 months. The company refunded my money after two months. When I received the package after our months, I tried to contact the company but they had gone out of business.

Leftycrafter said...

Your paintings are great. I have absolutely zero talent in painting and drawing.

diane in northern wis said...

your new watercolor book looks awesome. I love all the pictures you have painted! Can't wait to see your new ones. Hope your new crochet book arrives sometime soon! You are talented!

Betsy said...

Sam! You are a woman of so many talents. Your paintings are just lovely. They need to be on display. Do you have them on your walls?
The watercolor book looks interesting too. I have absolutely no artistic talents at all so I really enjoy looking at others works of art.
I'm glad you're going to get a new book, although looking at the photos was probably a lot of fun. :-)

Cousin Kay said...

Your paintings are great! I'm sure you didn't get that artistic talent from the Gray side of the family:)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Impressive artwork. Oil painting is definitely not easy and the drying time a little too much. I like to dabble in all sorts of things as you may have guessed. Don't particularly like following any rules or guidelines so just mess around on my own when the mood strikes. Have fun down your rabbit hole. :) said...

they hang in my hallway but they are not framed...just the bare canvases. said...

Don't let Aunt Alice hear you say that! LOL!

Mama Pea said...

Wow, you are an extremely talented oil painter! I enjoyed painting with oils for a while years ago but stopped because, for some reason, I couldn't find the time to do everything I wanted! (Quilting and knitting won out.) Tried water colors a couple of times but found them much harder than oils. Hope you enjoy your try at using that medium.

Jeanna said...

Your oil paintings are absolutely stunning!!! I do not paint...except the walls LOL.

Cousin Kay said...

LOL Well, she wasn't an artist in the sense of drawing or painting an original work, but she did have a v. good sense of color.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You can paint! Those are all awesome!!
Oh I hope you enjoy your watercolor book. I am working a bit in mine, it is fun to try something structured at least for me. Water color supplies are expensive especially the brushes. Most of all have fun!!