Monday, July 8, 2024

You are not going to beleive this!!!

 I spent the  past week passing a kidney stone!  Not fun but not as bad as the diverticulitis was.  I am  officially an old person now as all I talk about are my ailments! LOL!  I was so tired, I would get up and 2 hours later be back in bed.  I napped on and off as I had no energy to do anything.  It finally passed on Sunday morning and  that's when I actually realized what was causing me  to be so tired.  It was not a bad pain but more a pressure when I tried to go to the bathroom but then the dam broke and what a relief!

So , I did little all week except try and keep up with minimal chores and sleep a lot.  My doctor was on vacation so I didn't call him but I go in this Wednesday so I will tell him then.  Today I'm trying to catch up with laundry, cooking, cleaning.  I'll be back tomorrow with more fun news and  photos.  At my age it seems every week is something different!  I hadn't walked either but I did this morning.  Feeling good is such a wonderful blessing.  I wish the same for all of  you!

Happy Trails!!!

Since I've been a little focused on medical issues I thought you might get a kick out of this...but not if you're scheduled for a colonoscopy anytime!


Leftycrafter said...

My goodness. Hopefully this is the reason you had those horrible back pains a few weeks ago. Take care. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Ouch!

Far Side of Fifty said...

So glad it passed, hope you don't have any more! Keep drinking fluids...lemonade is great for helping to keep the stones from forming. Take care Sam:O)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh my you have had a time these last couple of weeks. I hear kidney stones are very painful. I am so glad you are feeling better. I wish the best in your recovery.

Jeanna said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through that! Hopefully, that is what caused the episode a few weeks ago. I'm glad you are feeling better and got the walk in. I'm looking forward to seeing your next post.

Miss Merry said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. Glad you were able to pass it! It does get tiring having one thing after another. This getting old thing is for the birds!

Becki said...

I've not had kidney stones, but hubs has and I can only imagine how painful they can be from his experience. He made a trip to the ER years ago with kidney stone attack, not knowing what it was. I'm so glad you're feeling better.