Friday, May 12, 2023


 I ended up  in the emergency room with Diverticulitis painful!  But I am recovering slowly.  At least there was no hospital stay and they said I caught it early enough.  What I don't understand is that I have followed the diet to a "t" but still had a flare up.  The one thing was that my back was hurting and I did not think it was from diverticulitis so I was taking Tylenol until it wasn't working anymore.  I started on the antibiotics but I still had to go to the ER because of the pain.

I am hoping to catch up with all of you and my housework too.  I hope you all have been fine.

Happy Trails!!!  


Leftycrafter said...

Take care of yourself. I had been worried about you. Glad you posted

Susan said...

OH no - I hope you are getting better by now.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I figured that something was up with you, I was just about ready to email you. Sorry that you had another spell. Old age gets us there anything that the Doctors can do? Surgery??

Miss Merry said...

NOOOOOOO. Oh gosh, how miserable. Especially when you were following instructions! From now on, we need to check out every twinge. This is no fun at all. Take care lady.

Becki said...

I'm sorry to hear this, Sam. I'm glad you got help early, but I'm sorry you've suffered again.