Tuesday, September 12, 2023

More rain overnight and this morning!

 So nice because this time of year can be so dry and scary for fires.  I've been cleaning and decorating.  Most of the time I combine the 2.  It makes cleaning more fun if I can do a little decorating and changing things around at the same time.

Remember the entryway closet I painted and tore up the carpeting?  Well, I'm finally getting back to it.  I tore off the painting tape, dusted and vacuumed and decorated a bit.  I put rugs down on the floor to  hide the bare plywood for now.  Here's what it looks like so far.  I have more to do and a mirror to hang but this is good for now..........


That's all I got done on this project.  I have some regular chores to do and I am afraid my washing machine is broke.....I washed some sheets and they were still soaking wet....I ran them through the spin cycle 2 more times and nada.  They are "drip drying" outside on the line but it will take days!

 I'm afraid I will need to get a new washer or find a new appliance repair person....oh well, it could be worse.  At least we have a laundromat here in town if need be.

I picked some flowers for a little bouquet before the rains came..........

just a thought..........
Happy Trails!!!


Leftycrafter said...

Sitting here praying the rain predicted for today shows up. Your bouquet is sweet. I miss having a garden of flowers to pick. I agree that cleaning and decorating or decluttering go hand in hand.

Betsy said...

I need to bring out some of our autumn decor soon. I just haven't had the energy since we got home Monday night. Just getting settle back home has been hard enough. Dennis is sick now too and we just found out a few people who were at the wedding have covid. We've both tested negative so it's just bad colds but we're exhausted and taking it easy for a few days.
It seems that you're plugging away doing lots of things as always. I like your closet. A perfect fist for the bookcase.
Take care Sam.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh no not the washer, hope it can be repaired! Although sometimes a repair man can be almost as expensive as a new washer!

Jeanna said...

Ugh! My brand new washing machine is broken too. It has been TWO weeks. It is under warranty but the "authorized" repair tech is coming from another town 60 miles away and they are backed up. I sure hope yours is an easy fix. Your flowers are so pretty.