Not a tremendous amount done this week. I've been busy trying to find an appliance repair person and then finally decided to buy a new one. I have it picked out online so I just need to go to the store and buy it. It was on sale so that made me feel a little better! LOL! The more money you spend the more time it takes.
I canceled the repair guy coming....I just didn't feel comfortable as they kept calling from some foreign country wanting me to sign up for their monthly appliance insurance....$78 a month. Are they nuts? This is Sears but it must be the Korean Sears because I could not understand them. Anyway, the local store and salesman was very nice and not high pressure at all....seemed like a gentle soul. I have a feeling my washer was unrepairable so why waste the money to have them tell me that. It is old and they don't last as long as they used to in the old days. I can remember back in the day you could get a washer and a dryer for $400 this washer will cost me $1,000. Oh well, I am blessed to have the money to buy it.
Anyway, sorry to ramble like that but that is why I did not get much done on any fronts this week. Here is what I did do...........I finished the Maple Leaf block. I'm pretty sure a Maple Leaf quilt block would have taken much less time but I learned some new skills so that's good thing.
She said in the directions to steam it to make it lay flat but not to touch it with the iron as acrylic will melt. I don't have a steam iron. It was at one time but it is an old iron of my mothers...probably over 60 years old or more but I love it. So, I dampened a rag, placed it on top and pressed. It worked but it is flat as a pancake!
I also received a yarn shipment this past week and although most of it was DK weight in various colors for the monthly crochet blocks, there were also several skeins of chunky red yarn.....yes, I am finally going to crochet a garment....or try. If it all works out okay I will end up with something that looks like this...........except I'll be wearing pants with mine! It is the OTH Crochet Nook Pattern: Best Dressed Vest. I got it off the internet but it might be on Ravelry....I have an email with a link to it if you want it. I liked the brown too but couldn't find a shade similar to hers. It's supposed to be easy which is my preferred method for anything.........
So far I am working on the ribbing which is at the bottom but I am thinking mine is going to have to be bigger....but she said you can make it as big as you want. I am also planning on making mine longer if need be.
I did work on The Snowy Owl, I am now doing the head, I worked on Prism blanket and Halloween XS but they didn't show lots more progress so I didn't take photos of them.
I did make some progress on purchasing Christmas presents so that's good! I have to have all the Advent gifts for my daughter ready at Thanksgiving when they come so we can avoid shipping costs...yay!
A message for Summer...............
Glad you were able to locate a new washer. We have an old Kenmore set that we keep babying because we know we will not be happy with a new washer. So far we have been able to repair everything that has needed work by looking at youtube. Luckily, nothing major has grown wrong with them. Good luck on the crochet project.
Washers are terribly expensive. Glad you were able to find one you liked. Your maple leaf is pretty. It will be fun to watch as the others are completed. The vest will be adorable. I think red is a good choice for color. I am so excited, we are going to drop below 100° this week!
I just love how you and your daughter do advent calendars for each other. I'm thinking about making tea advent calendars for my kids this year to go with the Bonne Mamme jam advent calendar. I think you are going to love your vest. Can't wait to watch the progress each week.
We are still deciding on the leaky refrigerator. It needs to seals (one for each door) and they are $238 each plus shipping and tax. My husband can install them but that is still $500 plus to repair a 13 year old refrigerator. So do we buy a new one? Gosh, you are right that appliances just don't last anymore.
I'm glad you got a new washer. It seems that appliances really don't last very long. We've thought about getting a different refrigerator because we don't like this one but I can't bring myself to buy one since it still works okay. Chances are a new one wouldn't last long! Your quilt block looks really nice. I can imagine how much work all of those color changes were. I finished a baby blanket today but haven't gotten much else done since we got home last Monday night. I've still been coughing and coughing and instead of being productive, I've been reading books and coloring on my iPad. Lazy days. Tomorrow I have to get busy.
Take care my dear friend.
I have domestic appliance insurance where I pay a small amount each month to cover any possible breakdowns but I've had none in the last 3 years so thinking it's not that economical to have it. Things aren't built to last these days but I've been lucky with my dishwasher which must be 30 years old and still going strong!Did you say you've done some Christmas shopping??!!Well done you.
Appliances are just made to be thrown out now days. In the two years we've owned our home we've replaced or repaired everything except the microwave. It's so frustrating. I love how the maple leaf block turned out.
Sometimes repairs are almost as much as a new appliance. Hope you get that new washer soon! Your square is really cute!
You may not have gotten everything accomplished that you planned last week, but you were still busy. That crocheted vest is cute!
It's not uncommon for repairs to cost nearly as much as a whole new equipment. I really hope you can obtain a new washer very soon. Your square is quite adorable to look at!
Its ridiculous how short white goods lifespan seems to be these days. Fingers crossed your new one will work out. Have you decorated the house for fall yet. I shall be today. Liz
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