Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A little fisher person!

 Yesterday was a productive day but  nothing to blog about.....mostly weekly chores.

I did find out that I can get a 3rd Moderna shot tomorrow at my pharmacy...at no charge!  I have 2 immune system diseases and I take a small dose of steroids so they suggest it.   Today they're suggesting everyone get a 3rd shot. I need to prepare myself for sleeping for 24 hours after the shot, like I did last time! LOL!

I made some sourdough bread dough which is rising and I put in an Amazon order for some quilting rulers, a book, some quilt batting, and some sandpaper dots for the rulers to stay put.  I also ordered my backing fabric for Celeste's QAL quilt.

We have storms predicted starting tonight.  I love storms!  No pictures except my youngest grandson, Grayson who caught 2 fish today!  He doesn't have a beard but he has a mask at the ready...just in case someone approaches.  He is so darn cute and funny too!  I don't want him to grow up.

Its' hot here again.........

I hope you are well and I pray for healing for all the tragedies that are happening across the world right now.

Happy Trails!!!


Between Me and You said...

How interesting that you have been offered the third vaccine. Nothing has been finalised here in the UK. My Granddaughters start back to school tomorrow and instead of being excited for them I am very nervous. The state of the world is so depressing.

Cousin Kay said...

Cute picture of Grayson. He reminds me of you in that pic. Glad you're getting the booster.

Miss Merry said...

Love the picture! My neighbor and I plan to be first in line when we are authorized for that third shot. Our ridiculous anti vax neighbor is out and about again, 14 days after being positive and ten days after her infusion therapy. Is that safe? Who know? I will not be running into her! It was very sad. I went to our city council meeting tonight and I was the only person present in a mask. Our county is setting new records for cases and hospitalizations. No one thinks it will be them.

Betsy said...

I'm so glad you have been advised to get a third shot. I will get one too if I'm able to. That's a great photo of Grayson. He's a great fisherman! Piper started school today. Mandy said only some of the students had masks on. She's pretty nervous about it all. Piper is really good about wearing a mask everywhere in public and never puts up a fuss about it. She even reminds me when I forget.
Take care and stay well.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your little fisherman sure is cute! I want to go!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yeah for fishing it is a great hobby! Good to hear you are getting the third shot...up here I am hearing 8 months after the second shot...does anyone really know for sure what is going on with them?? I also heard today that The FDA was going to approve the third shot and then it would be available. I hope you will be okay...I will get it also when I can:)

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