Monday, April 10, 2023


 Mondays are always busy here.  Are they the same at your house?  It's garbage day in the early morning on Tuesday so I  need to get that out to the street.  I went to the bank to pay the annual safe deposit fee.  I came home and called around trying to find someone to fix my skylight before the next rain arrives.  I think I have someone coming to take a look.  They said I may have to replace the whole skylight.  Then I finished up my taxes after several other phone calls and finally I made some more potato soup.  I think I'm done for the day.  I worked a little bit on my Kitten XS which will be the focus piece for the next 5 days.  Now, I am going to go practice "the quilter's knot" for my embroidery class.

Another beautiful day here.  I finished reading Spare, about Prince Harry.  He has totally screwed up his life!  I think he has allowed his wife to destroy his relationship with his family just like she's destroyed hers.  Very sad, and I think he will live to regret it someday.  I am now reading The Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallas.  I think you read this one, Connie?  I've read some of  her other books and they've all been good.

Here's a little light humor for your Monday..................

Happy Trails!!!



Miss Merry said...

Hi Sam! Got your message and I will respond privately. I still can't figure out why you can't comment on my blog! I bet there is a setting or something . . . But anyway. Persian Pickle Club is one of my favorites. It's an oldie but I keep it on my shelves to re-read. Such a good book.

Sharm said...

Lol, love the potatoes into Walrus! Monday here was part of the Easter holiday so most places were shut. Sounds like quite the busy day but glad you got to sit and embroider later

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's a cute funny photo! That really can happen here in Florida with all the heat and humidity! Enjoy your evening! I think there's a new Miss Kopp book too that I haven't read yet.

Betsy said...

I had a busy Monday here today, but that's not always the case. Taking the trash out here in the apartment is as easy as walking two doors down the hall and throwing it down the chute! I had to go to Mom's and did another Covid test on her. Finally a negative one! Yay!
Funny walrus picture. I've had potatoes that looked a lot like that!
Blessings and hugs,

Grammy Braxton said...

Finally! Someone who agrees with me about Harry. I've not read the book and don't intend to. He's allowed a diva to control his life and broken all ties with his family. She was upset about the news coverage in England? She's an actress for gosh sakes! She should have known that was coming. Loved the walrus pic! Hugs. Sharon

Far Side of Fifty said...

You will enjoy the Persian Pickle Club I sure did! I hope you have a great day today! :)