Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday Treasures!!!

 I spent Sunday working on that project bag and finally finished it!  It took awhile but it turned out very nice.

I quilted the material myself on the sewing machine......

and it is lined with 2 different fabrics as I didn't have enough to use the same so I improvised....there's green on one side and yellow on the other

I need to get some charms to put on it and I am making some crocheted flowers that will have a covered button in the middle.  Lori Holt has videos for all these projects on her You Tube channel....

Treasures came today!  Books from Thrift Books...........a couple quilting books....


and some books I've had on my wish list for quite a while..........

I also received a pattern and a birthday book (to remember people's birthdays!) from Kathy Schmitz (embroidery designer extraordinaire...check her out!)..........look at this cute bag..........first the birthday book which was on sale too...........

I am overflowing with inspiration but I have chores to do too!  I managed to list categories and will try to do at least one if not two things from each category each day. 

The categories are:

1) food/cooking

2) finances

3) maintenance

4) cleaning

5) gardening

6) creating

7) organizing

8) self-care

9) family/friends

10) decorating

So far, I've done 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9....that's half of the 10 categories but it's 2:00 p.m. so I had better get moving!  There's still cleaning, creating, gardening, organizing, and decorating.....hmmmm.....miles to go before I sleep!

I hope you are having a balanced and wonderful day!

Happy Trails!!!


Pink Rose said...

Hi Sam what a cute pouch you have made and I love the crochet flowers,have fun with your books 🌹🤍🌹

Far Side of Fifty said...

That seems like lots of tasks! But it is a great list!

Miss Merry said...

Don't overdo!!! I first thought you meant 2 things from the entire list! That might be more my speed. You take it easy, girl.

That project bag is just adorable!! I love every bit including the two-color lining!

Betsy said...

That pouch is so cute. I really like the fabric.
I can't believe how long your list is. That's a LOT to try to accomplish every day. Take care of yourself.

Lin said...

Great finish on your project pouch and just look at all those books! xx

Cousin Kay said...

At first, I thought you meant 2 things from the entire list also! I think you need to make "Relaxing" one of the categories:) The pouch is v. impressive.

Jeanette said...

Cute pouch, love the fabric. Nice collection of books.