Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Wednesday....or as we used to call it..."hump day"

 It's amazing how productive you can be when you're feeling good!  Today I took a load to the Thrift Store and picked up my grocery order at Walmart.  I was even able to buy some socks with my grocery order.  I was going to knit some shorty socks but who am I kidding?  I'm still working on my Christmas socks! LOL!  These were only $6 for 10 pair and how cute are they?  I hope they fit!

I got all the groceries put away and made some jello.  I worked on sock #1 as I am almost done with it.  I also practiced the quilter's knot for the embroidery class and I think I have that down pat.  Her tutorials are excellent.  I'm so glad I signed up for this class. 

I also got some grub killer as the armadillos are digging up the lawn for them.  I haven't seen one robin this year.  They must  have flown right over here in a hurry to get North evidently.

I'm done for the day other than maybe placing a Thrift Book order.  I hope you have a good day!

Happy Trails!!! 


Far Side of Fifty said...

Cute socks...I bough some similar plain ones to wear inside my snow boots and crocs when it is still cold, they looked so small but are stretchy. You sound better I hope you keep feeling okay! :)

Betsy said...

How did I miss this post yesterday? I'm glad you're feeling so much better. You're sure getting lots done. Love those cute socks and quite a bargain for so many pair.
Blessings and hugs,

Cousin Kay said...

I'm impressed that your pansies came up! Don't think that would happen in northern Illinois.