I have been trying to move ahead around here and I have been doing well and making progress but not being a great blogger or blog visitor.....summers are a double load around here and it's just me, myself, and I so please forgive me.
Look at this precious baby Rottweiler......oh, be still my beating heart! No, he is not mine but belongs to a friend of my daughters and his name is Moses. Oh, that face and look at those big feet! I wish I could but I can't handle the training or the expense anymore but I sure miss my girls.
P.S. They finally got power today after a week and 1/2.

Yesterday I was busy cooking. I made zucchini fritters from the last of my zucchini from last summer that I had grated and froze. I also made macaroni salad and chicken tenders.
Last evening I got my Amazon delivery and I made a mistake and ordered bees wax candles forgetting how hot it is outside and that it is not a good time to order candles! Yikes Batman! But lo and behold they were fine! I was really surprised! Supposedly they burn clean and soot free. I want to get some more if these work out.
I also received some supplies for crafting.........an assortment of necessary items! Plus some coffee pods in the back there.
The best package of all was this cookbook by The Prairie Homestead gal, Jill Winger! I always hold off on buying things for awhile to see if it's just a passing fancy or something I really want or need. Well, this one has been on my mind for months so it was purchased and highly anticipated. Jill has a blog too. I read the foreword by Joel Salatin (another fave author of mine) and Jill's introduction and I'm getting ready to make my menu and grocery list so it couldn't have come at a better time!
Just simple good, basic food.....nothing fancy. Before I sit down to do that I need to fill water bottles and water outside and then I can put my feet up and enjoy my new cookbook! I hope you have things to look forward to today.
Happy Trails!!!
Moses is precious. Dogs do take time and $$. The 2 we have will probably be the last 2 we ever have. Your grands seem to have survived the power outage. Those chops look so look yummy. You got some lovely treasures in the mail. You were lucky the candles made it ok. I hope they work out for you. I will be watching to see what you make with your new cookbook.
Love his name we had a Sheltie named Moses...he love me best of all and if someone came to the door he would sit on my foot and show his teeth!! Loved that dog! He lived to be about 11 years old. WE would like to have a dog too but it is impractical...maybe some day we can foster again..that would be fun. But it is hard letting them go .
Enjoy your new cookbook!! It rained here this morning so no lawn mowing happened today:).
Aww, Moses is such a sweetie face pupper! ❤️ We sure miss our pets, but the current betta fish is enough (no pet hair, bad breath, or scooping poop lol). A week and a half without power is a lot. There was a bad ice storm January 4, 2004 and we were without power for two weeks in the middle of winter with below zero temps, no way to cook or keep food. It was about as close to being pioneers as we ever got lol. I also learned to ice skate on the frozen snow/ice in the backyard - it was fun! You probably missed it a few days ago when I commented on an earlier post (you are very busy and that's okay!), but if you'll contact me with your address via the contact form on my blog (in the right sidebar), I have some goodies I want to send to you for your cross-stitch/embroidery. Anytime you get around to it, no hurry. Great treasures you got!! Be blessed and be well, Sam!
I'll have to order that book from the library. Looks like it may hold some gems in there.
Awww! Look at that sweet little face on Moses. He's a real doll. I want to squeeze him tight. We're thinking Chloe will most likely be our last dog. We're getting older and if we are ever able to travel to visit Alex & Tara I wouldn't want to put a dog in a kennel and I don't know what other option we would have.
I'm glad Amy's family finally got their power back on. That was a terrible, terrible storm that went through.
I'm going to look that cookbook up and see if I can find it at our library.
Take care Sam.
Happy to hear that your family got their electricity back. Those chops looked amazing on the grill. We grill as much as we can...just seems to taste so much better.
Can't wait to hear your review of the cookbook. Looks interesting.
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