Friday, December 10, 2021

Strange times.......

 I was in my pj's last night and what to my wondering ears did I hear?  Well, it wasn't reindeer but a guy pounding on my door.  It was still light out but I get my jammies on about 4 or 5.  I opened my window ( I don't open my door to strangers) and asked him what he wanted.  He wanted permission to bow hunt behind my house.  I discovered it is legal in town.  I guess I'm lucky that I never got hit when I used to walk with the dogs in the woods!  I never knew that and I do think it's a bit town?  Oh well, he was very polite and left me his card in case I had any questions.  He's from Mt.Pleasant which is about an hour away.  Arkansas is mostly a rural state.  Don't tell me they don't have deer in his neighborhood?  Very strange!

Today was grocery pickup, unload, de-bag, disinfect, and put away.  After all that I managed to still clean my big cupboard (Slice #2 of the cleaning plan).  I didn't finish the outside or the counter and cupboard below but I did get rid of some dishes and glasses (I didn't photograph the glasses.)  

I forgot to mention the other day that my youngest grandson, Grayson got his second vaccine shot!  PTL!  Grandma is sleeping better now! LOL!

We might get storms tonight so I have the weather radio on.  Up North they're getting snow...I wish!

Here's a little holiday humor.............


Happy Trails!!!


Far Side of Fifty said...

You have to wonder, but if he left you his card he must be on the level! I would run his name by the Sheriff before I would let him hunt! Cute cartoon!

Miss Merry said...

We live right by the edge of town so we can hear the rifle shots, but there is no hunting in my neighborhood. It does make me nervous sometimes. My older grandkids have all had shot #1. I believe they will all be getting the second shot the week before Christmas. That just leave my 2 and 3 year old. I saw a meme the other day that said "If I have to keep wearing a mask and getting a booster every six weeks to keep others safe, then that is what I will do". I agree!

Leigh said...

I've heard it said of Arkansas that it's one of the few states where you can see a bunch of teenagers walking down the street with guns, and you just give them a wave and ask "how's hunting?"

Betsy said...

I think I would check that guy out although it does seem like he is legimately a legal hunter or he wouldn't have bothered to get permission.
Glad Grayson got his shot. Piper is feeling much, much better after her shot.
Betsy said...

His card said he is a baptist minister....of course, down here everyone is! LOL! said...

You are "right on"! said...

It's true but I must say the kids here are very polite and respectful. All the ones I've run into anyway. Iowa was the same really. In rural areas they grow up with guns but they learn safety too. All my relatives had a shotgun by the back door for predators....human and otherwise on the farm. I grew up in Northern, IL and when I was a kid they still had cougars running around. There were probably bears too. But there were no school shootings back then. said...

He's a baptist minister! LOL!

Cousin Kay said...

We never had any sort of gun in our house. Just sayin. Farmers needed them but not the people in town. said...

Exactly. I always felt if I needed a gun I should probably move. Plus, I would rather die myself than take the life of someone else.

Cousin Kay said...

Be careful out there!

Jeanna said...

You can never be too careful. Hope your weather wasn't too bad.