Friday, October 30, 2020

Day #30...only one more day to go!!!

 This is all I have was a beautiful day here after 3 days of rain.  I took a nice walk, collected some leaves, and pressed  them.  I was able to gather 30 items so here they are......12 audio  tapes including books on tape and 18 books....tada!  I got a good deal at the thrift store a few years back on some Agatha Christie books on tape and a few other British books I admired.  The problem was they were read by Brits and I could not understand them!  Bummer! So, off they go!

I'm busy making a meatloaf and mashed potatoes with green beans for supper.  I hope you had a good day and are ready to enjoy your Friday night!

Happy Trails!!!


Leftycrafter said...

Yum, meatloaf and mashed taters. You did well with the declutter. One more day!

Betsy said...

Dennis would love to be eating at your house. He loves meatloaf. He's picking up a carry out pizza for us tonight. We haven't eaten out in quite awhile and we decided to try to support a local business. They are struggling so badly.

Becki said...

Ooooh... meatloaf and mashed potatoes - that's the height of comfort food to me.

Far Side of Fifty said...

One more day!! Meatloaf sounds good we havent had that for a long time!

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