Tuesday, July 11, 2023

So exciting....NOT!!!

 I got a treasure in the mail yesterday...but not that kind of treasure..........my Cologuard test....lol!

Today I burned papers outside all morning.  I have 30 years of journals I am burning....and although I still journal every day....I am not keeping them.   I started journaling when I went through my divorce and it helped a lot to get all the negative stuff on paper and out of my head so I didn't have to carry it around all day.  I always journal in the morning while I have my coffee.  So, I was able to burn a big stack this morning.  I also made a grocery list and ordered groceries.  I worked on some cross stitch and before I knew it the day was done!  Like I said....some days are just not that exciting unless you think taking a Cologuard test is exciting?  Not me....lol!

Happy Trails!!!


Far Side of Fifty said...

That is an interesting test, just follow all the instructions! I did it two years ago...negative results which was a good thing!
Yes Paige is engaged...we love Cole so it is great!

Leftycrafter said...

I have been journaling for the past 5 years. I have all my journals too. Not sure how long I will hold on the them. I am sure no one will care about reading them. I write each evening about the day. Good luck with your test. Hope it comes back negative

Miss Merry said...

I was cleaning and came across some old diaries. Straight to the burn pile.

Jeanna said...

The cologuard test was not necessarily exciting for me either LOL. Thirty years of journaling, wow! I tried journaling years ago but didn't stay with it. I do, however, keep a pretty detailed calendar. I should write down the real 'important' stuff like health information and then destroy the rest.