Sunday, May 2, 2021

YOP Week #44


and.....Stitch Maynia Day #2!

Well it has been a great week and I've gotten some work done around here.  I had to work in-between rain showers during the week but that was okay.  It's raining again today but yesterday was beautiful and I was able to finish weeding and mulching the SE border.  I still  have my plants in the house and I have a tomato!  I thought they had to be pollinated by bees?

I worked on the border of the Giant Granny Square blanket but it is still not done!  I did finish the gussets on both socks and I'm onto the legs now.  I got the yarn in for the Fox scarf and was able to finish the 20 rows so it won't be long now!
I started Stitch Maynia yesterday so you can look at yesterday's post if  you want to see the first project.
As for today, it is a project from SM 2020..........I've already worked on it a bit......

This year I will continue to work on my SM projects from last year. I'll probably work on ones that are closer to being finished.  I did place an order for floss and some treasures.  I ordered this pattern that I mentioned last week.....

It's always nice to have things to look forward to.  That's all for is nap weather here today!

Happy Trails!!!


Leftycrafter said...

Wow, the fox scarf is so close to being done now. Both socks being on the leg is great news. I am enjoying watching your SM daily posts.

Lucy Bowen said...

I love the January cross stich and you scarf is now so close!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I had a tomato plant pop up in a pot and have no idea how it got there. :) Always nice to have volunteer plants and surprises. You are rolling right along with all your projects. We had some crazy wind here this afternoon. Thankfully it's quiet out there now. Take care.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Apparently you had pollination in the house a bug maybe or a bit of a breeze:) Hope you make some progress on your projects! :)

Maureen D said...

You peek my curiosity so I found tomatoes can be pollinated by a simple air current. Enjoy the tomato. Your fox scarf looks so fun. Is it for you or a gift? Your cross stitch always looks so fun.

Susan said...

How do you fit it all in??? We have had rain. And more rain. And some additional rain. I'm hoping to get out into my ragged little garden soon - although they are predicting...rain...six out of the following seven days. Sigh.

Becki said...

Stitch Mania! That must be why items were disappearing from my shopping cart as I was filling it last week. I had never thought before about how tomato plants pollinate, but you got me curious too. They are self-pollinating! I didn't realize that lots of other vegetable are too. Always learning something here. :)

Breathing Life said...

Not long now before Mr. Fox can be wrapped snuggly around its recipient! Stitch mania indeed. I love how I can get a peek into your personality by seeing the kits you stitch up! A tomato indoors? Imagine! I put all my plants outside last week and they are all looking so very happy. And of course Otis, the cat, is very happy to have his jade tree to hide behind what with all the racoons and squirrels and neighbourhood cats that invade his yard!

Betsy said...

Happy Sunday evening Sam! I remember that sweet little January project and I still think it's wonderful. The fox scarf is almost finished. Whoo-hoo! Your stitching looks great on it.
I wondered about the tomato plant and just as I was considering googling it, I read on and saw someone else had found the answer. You have some wonderful readers.
I would love to start another cross stitch, but I think I need to stop spending $ for awhile. I'm still not sure if we'll be buying carpeting. I'm leaving that for Dennis to decide as I don't want to do it. These wood floors are pretty noisy though.
Take care and have fun stitching on Monday.

HighlandHeffalump said...

That is a great idea to work on your WIPs during SM, so many pretty ones started the last couple of years it will be lovely to watch them progressing. I can see why you were tempted by that new kit though. It’s still cold and wet here and some frosty nights so things are growing pretty slow here.

Cinna Knits said...

I'm so tickled by your indoor tomato!!
We are FINALLY outside of the danger for frost so I think this week will be some outdoor seed plantings.

Love all of your project updates for the week!